Double Your Prizes!
Write reviews, earn EXP, redeem prizes.. but that’s not all. Stand a chance to DOUBLE the prizes you have redeemed for the month by sharing to Facebook!
How does it work?
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
After clicking on the ‘Share to Facebook’ button, you will immediately find out if you have won the ‘Double Your Prizes’ bonus!
How many times can I try for the ‘Double Your Prize’ lucky Jackpot?
You are only allowed to submit your redemption once a month, thus you are also allowed to try for the ‘Double You Prize’ lucky Jackpot once a month by sharing what you have redeemed to your Facebook timeline.
What are the prizes that will be doubled if I win the lucky Jackpot?
All the prizes that you have redeemed for the month will be doubled!
I have more questions. Who can I contact?
Email us at if you have any more questions regarding ‘The Hungry Games’.