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Signature Dishes
Banana Milk Shake Bandung Milk Shake
Review (3)
Usually I do not review drink stalls but this one really stands out! Other than just fruit juices, they offer a lot of combinations with vegetables as well. Even for someone as adventurous with food choices as me, I stopped in my tracks to think if I wanna try the really "weird" combos. However, I must say that what is on offer here is definitely very healthy! You'll really get bowled over by the amazingly numerous choices here. My friend who stays around here tells me that this stall has been here since he was a little kid. The lady taking the order uses different coloured tokens to remember what type of fruit/vege you want in your drink, which is rather creative.After much consideration, I finally decided on the cabbage honeydew juice. The picture shown on the menu depicts a purple juice but mine turned out pinkish. But I did see purple cabbage added into the juicer. Guess it depends on how much purple cabbage and how purple it is to get a final purple colour in your juice huh? Interestingly, my juice tasted as if it's got lime juice in it - and not a sweet base I kinda expected. However, the juice was quite refreshing and still quite palatable. Well, I'll definitely come back to plough through all the other choices. What can I say, I just love to try interesting stuff. And hey, it's good for my health too The next adventurous choice? Perhaps the yakult dou miao juice or the pineapple chye sim juice?Stall frontCabbage honeydew juice - $2.50 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-07-31
Orange juice has always been one of my favourite choices when ordering a drink to go with my meals. I paid $2.50 for this cup. The pricing is a little high but i guess it is still worth it as it was made of 3 oranges and only little ice cubes added. I can taste the natural sweetness of the juice and it did not taste too sour at all. It made me feel healthier. I really enjoyed it. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-05-29
Freshly squeezed orange juice has been a new found love of mines. The prices for such a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice is different from places. This particular stall is charging $2.50 for a cup. As i observed, the stall owner extracted the juice to fill up this small cup from 3 oranges and added in a small amount of ice cubes to keep it cold and not diluting the concentrated level of the juice. Since the juice is freshly extracted from oranges so no artificial sweetener is detected. I guess paying $2.50 for such a cup seemed value for money. I enjoyed my orange juice. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)