Arriving by bus # 72 . Bus-stop no. 55329. Bus-stop name; Nanyang Poly continue reading
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Review (3)
Level4 2015-06-28
Located at the fast food canteen is this simple fried noodles + your choice of side dish e-canteen stall. It normally has a very long queue from 12-1pm. After 1pm, the queue disappears and there's still tons of food to order.1. Set 1 Noodles + chicken wing + egg $2Sadly, because it was already 130pm, I'm guessing that this chicken wing was fried over an hour ago and the chicken skin wasn't crispy. It was very doughy, almost reminded me of some overnight donuts.The noodles weren't very flavourful, but I'm glad the aunty asked if I wanted the curry gravy. Without the curry gravy, this would've been too dry and I wouldn't have eaten it at all. The portions of the noodles was huge and enough to share between 2 or more!! The egg tasted decent, it was the only good item on the plate. Now, I'm curious as to why there's always a long queue here during lunch hours. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-21
Power Stewed Pork Rice ($2.80)It is very crowded during lunch today. I am half decided what to order while queuing up. Looking at the pictures on the board, the words 'Power Stewed Pork Rice' caught my eyes. I shout across to the aunty who is serving that queue if that dish is available today, which she answers yes. So I change my queue to that side. It is quite a big serving. The dried chillies in the rice give me a scare but it is not spicy at all. The pork has a bit of bones and not tender enough. There is quite a lot of garlic skin in the rice too, and I has spent a while pulling out the skins. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)