Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 16:00
Sat - Sun
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Cash Only
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Signature Dishes
Butter Toast Egg Tart
Review (13)
Chin Mee Chin Confectionery, an old school coffeeshop located at 204 East Coast Road, has draws crowd of people to come and enjoy traditional breakfast. It is popular for its kaya toast.We may be very used to going to hipster cafes, why not take a break to enjoy some nostalgia at this old school place. Sipping kopi /tea while enjoying nostalgic atmosphere brings you a trip down memory lane to see coffee shop in the past looks like and feel like. Beside the traditional toast, there are also cakes,donuts and tarts being sold. They may not be fanciful looking, but they definitely one of those that are “old-school”. These cakes, donuts and tarts are being placed in the shelves where you can help yourself to your plate and pay at the counter. It has been years since the last time I eat a sugar coated donuts. I’m amazed with how soft the donut was and what a perfect match the sugar was with the donut. It was most of the most fast selling item in the shelves as in less than an hour stay there; the whole tray of donut was completely wiped out. Patrons even started asking if there is more.Donut ($1.20)Unlike the usual toast, Chin Mee Chin uses fluffy buns instead of slices of bread. This fluffy buns were toasted, thus the buns were crispy on the outer, soft and fluffy in the inner. Generous serving of kaya were spread on the buns with a slice of butter given to be shared between two halves. One bun (two halves) for $1The taste of the cream puff surprised me. I was expecting the butter cream puff to be sweet but to my surprise, it was slightly salty. They also offer the chocolate version of the cream puff where a layer of chocolate ganache was apply to the cream puff.The custard tart was quite decent as the custard was not overly sweet and the tart was crisp, lightly sweet, and buttery.As for the chocolate muffin, I find it too dry and chocolate ganache was limited. Cream Puff, Chocolate Cream Puff, Custard Tart, Chocolate Muffin ($1 each)Really love the coffee as it was thick and the natural fragrant of milk from the condensed milk further value-add the taste, making it really smooth and addictive. Chin Mee Chin Confectionery may not be the best place to visit for its cakes and tart, but I believe the high quality thick coffee and soft, fluffy kaya butter buns worth definitely satisfied you. What’s more, a nostalgias environment for a walk downs the memory lane. Read more at http://jacefootprints.blogspot.sg/2016/04/singapore-chin-mee-chin-confectionery.htmlFollow me at instagram/Facebook : @jacefootprintsLocation:Chin Mee Chin Cofectionery真美珍茶室204 East Coast Rd, Singapore 428903Operating Hours: Tuesday – Sunday,0800-1600 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-01-19
I've been wanting to check out Chin Mee Chin confectionery for the longest time ever and finally had an opportunity to do so today! We ordered two cups of kopi and some of their pastries and kaya bun. The highly raved open-faced kaya toast which I was so excited to try! True enough, this is the main highlight of the confectionery. The combination of crispy bun, fragrant kaya and the dollop of butter is just perfect! We also ordered some old school pastries like the custard puff, egg tart and luncheon meat bun. Sadly, all three pastries tasted very normal and there was nothing to rave about. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-01-18
Visit http://dairycream.blogspot.com/2013/11/chin-mee-chin-confectionery.html for full post and picsStepping into the historic kopi tiam, you see people from all ages and all sorts of attire, drinking kopi, playing iPhone while waiting for the kaya toast to be served.I must have forgotten about the crowd as I came here on one of the busiest day-National Day.Don't be alarm if the auntie ignores you. Just be on an eagle-eye to catch the next empty table. We managed to squeeze into a corner table, stuffy but at least that saves up the extra charges for air-con. "自己拿啊、自己拿啊",chirped the Hainanese old auntie, who left after clearing the bowls from earlier visitors. "Wah! So good ar! " What if anyone take extra and not pay?" Well, this boils down to trust and honesty, I guessed. Grab a plate and pick your own pastries. No need to wait for the aunties to come......just start feeding yourself because the drinks, eggs and toasts take time to cook.Each pastry on display sits on a paper lining, which the auntie did not even bother to count after everything. We had 6 pieces at first; 4 egg tarts, 1 plain and 1 almond cupcake. And ooh...these egg tarts are SUPER delicious. I have been deceived Nth times by numerous tasty-looking egg tarts which ended up with pliable tarts. But not this time. The dark brown shell is thicker-than-usual, but crumbly and fragrant.Call them cupcakes but do not compare them with those popular cupcakes on the street nowadays. Not moist, greasy nor very sweet. You might find it dry but these are how they should be.Being just fresh out of the oven, I popped one carelessly into my mouth, forgetting that they are meant to be shared. Every now and then, a fresh tray of baked items out from the kitchen draws me to see what's out there. Though they were not the golden cream horns and custard puff, I took another 2 cupcakes with chocolate icing.The much awaited open faced toast buns ($1 each) were spread with green kaya. I did mention previously that my family usually prefer brown to green, but this is an exception. The kaya spread was aromatic and sweet, but just nice. Nonetheless, I would prefer thin-sliced kaya toasts. There was no need for the butter knife to spread the butter evenly. Just slam the other side down and chow through the lukewarm bun like a burger. Kopi? Milo? Or Teh? We had all of them. Though their beans are roasted traditionally in their kitchen, the coffee was diluted. The milo was not spared too. You won't have time to laze around and chill out with your friends compared to many hipster cafes (be prepared to receive glares by people who are queuing.... some people were hogging tables while playing iphones after their meal) I enjoy it this no frills kopitiam. Chop chop. Eat. Drink and Go. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-12-17
This is the place if you would like to look for good breakfast sets or simply just some good egg tart. They serves great kaya toast ($1) and also hard boiled eggs. My favourite amongst all is the egg tart and the chocolate tart. The egg tart is very fragrant, and the skin of the egg tart is not too hard neither too soft. As for the chocolate tart, its seldom found in Singapore. The amount of chocolate used is also very generous, not too sweet as well. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-10-01
Old school confectioneries have a soft spot and I would pay for a slice of history even if it did not have a ridiculously long history - the work of excessive marketing and answering to that side of me. CMC played and still plays a huge part in my life, somehow the lingering memories of luncheon meat buns, egg tarts and cream puffs never got wiped off from the memory bank.And they are fiercely proud of this steady following. Hardly without a crowd, find a table or share one or well, just do a humble takeaway for a taste of their bakes.Takeways head straight to the counter, else take a plate and bring the selection to the table. They probably have a secret device tracking what you have picked and I wonder how but nothing escapes the bill. Kaya Bun with ButterSeared over a charcoal grill, the charred crusty edges and slice of butter over a randomly smeared layer of kaya was a delicious treat for the morning. I love my kaya toasts but this take the toast for hearty and delicious all at once. The bread had enough bite for a start, who cares about greasy fingers or butter dripping all over.Their custard filling is made without milk, tinted daffodil yellow with a gummy texture and collapsible puff pastry. I can wolf down 5-6 scrummylicious pieces for tea alone just to satiate the appetite.Egg Tart ($0.90)The same custard is used for the tart and still as delicious.Luncheon Meat BunI remember the luncheon meat portions being larger than these but they bring glory to luncheon meat. I love my spam and having this always makes me one happy lark. Luncheon meat PuffBun over puff for this, the sweetness of the puff got in the way of enjoyment. Curry PuffTheir attempt at answering the peranakan influence in the area was met with a flat rejection, curry puff this is barely just a puff stuffed with curried potatoes.If there's any takeaway, they do all the above better than their teacakes.Grumpy old ladies make this place so endearing, I would feel as out of place as that visit to Lin Heung, if they suddenly turned cupcake-candyfloss-cheery and smiley. Let's just leave that for the fad-ilicious cupcake makers so that being said, prices are on the roll. A dollar for what would be cleaned out in two munches, I wonder if my mini mes will have a bite of this in their childhood - will I still want to fork out for history when I could very well be having something heartier?Full review and photos up on: http://www.thefoodchapter.blogspot.sg/2013/09/chin-mee-chin-confectionery-east-coast.html continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)