6344 2761
Guan Hoe Soon Restaurant has been serving authentic Peranakan cuisine in Joo Chiat Area since 1953. The restaurant is set in an idyllic atmosphere where the main concerns are the quality and authenticity of the food served. Not sparing any effort, the original taste of Peranakan cuisine has been preserved here, using the freshest ingredients and a discerning and meticulous choice of spices.
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Opening Hours
11:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 21:00
Mon - Fri
11:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 21:00
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
逗留新加坡期間,每逢週末親友放假一定陪我們周圍去,那天我們就去了偏離市中心的東部Joo Chiat Road 遊覽,那裏是土生華人的集合地,保留了濃厚的娘惹文化氣息。沿途可欣賞色彩繽紛美麗的華人排屋,在古雅特色商店購買娘惹紀念品,更可以嘗嘗地道的娘惹風味美食。我們一早訂了源和春吃午餐,這是一間備受推崇的著名娘惹酒家,有六十多年歷史,現在是第三代傳人掌舵。餐廳不算大,傳統南洋古雅風格裝潢,簡單平實。用餐區的後面擺了精緻的飾櫃,放了很多傳統娘惹婚禮必備的禮籃及瓷器,風格統一。親友對飲食很有硏究,那天他點了幾款他們的主打菜肴,並早一天訂了必食的娘惹燒肉及咖哩魚頭。亞參魚(Ikan Assam Nanas Pedus) — 中等大的白䱽魚,配上酸辣羅望子鮮茄醬汁,酸酸甜甜,提升了魚的鮮味,開胃醒神。娘惹咖哩魚頭( Nyonya Fish Head Curry)—魚頭沾粉輕炸,加上酸甜娘惹醬的咖哩,紅紅清清,微微辣,與一般咖哩𣎴同的是沒有椰汁味。魚頭肉很多,也鮮甜,但有少少腥。娘惹燒肉(Nyonya Roast Pork Belly) — 這味最好吃。醃至入味的五花腩,經過燒烤再薄切,皮脆肉香,蘸酸甜汁,口感豐富,真是人間美食。黑果雞(Ayam Bush Keluak) — 黑果本來是有毒的果實,東南亞人用來做香料。娘惹菜將之入饡,在黑果內釀了香料醃過的肉,慢火燉,讓湯汁融入肉中,保留肉質嫩滑,再與雞塊同煮,加入甜甜酸酸的娘惹咖哩濃汁,就成為娘惹名菜黑果雞了。馬拉盞炒通菜— 碧綠爽口,醬汁濃濃蒜蓉味,帶少少甜。我們另外每人要了一個新鮮椰皇,清甜解渴。飯後我們四人又共享了兩個甜品,椰汁西米露及班蘭葉甜糕,甜蜜完滿。
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A last minute decision to come over here to have dinner. We ordered a few of their signature dish which was the chicken (a bit sour for me), the roast pork belly( very tasty with corriander seasoning), the chay chye(hmm...not my kinda of veggie), the fish maw with meat filling soup(yum, it was my fave), squid(tasty), the hei zou(crispy and tasty)and the brinjal(nice). We finished with their dessert which was the bobo cha cha and chendol and they were good too.The ambiance here is good and as though walking down memory lane.
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For full experience write up & photos, please visit my blog: http://aspirant1981.wordpress.com/2009/02/01/food-peranakan-cuisine-singapore/ or follow me on twitter for food reviews: https://twitter.com/Aspirant81 During the peak of Little Nyonya, I went to 3 different peranakan restuarants to try out the food. Do not expect much of ambience dining at Guan Hoe Soon. It looks like a normal traditional chinese restaurant found at Geylang with minimal decoration but the peranakan cuisine served here is among the best that I have tasted. Come here if you are more into the peranakan cuisine rather than ambience. The food is delicious at a very reasonable price and portion.Please pardon my blog write up as this was done a few years ago when I just started out blogging. Did not want to change anything in the post as it does brought about chuckles when I look back at my amateurish writing. You may also like to check out my posts on other delicious food places: http://aspirant1981.wordpress.com/restaurants-cafe-eateries-food-list/
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A must try in this restaurant is the roasted pork as it's one of the few family restaurant who roast their own at the backyard.At $10 a small plate, i will say the skin are roasted crunchy and price is right but just that the sauce accompany is too sweet.
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