Named after Mariko, a fictional courtisan created by acclaimed manga artist Tatsumi Yoshihiro, the Japanese inspired bar-restaurant is a homage to Jiak Chuan Road's seedy past as a former red-light district. Mariko's offers a variety of sophisticated in-house cocktails and delectable bites infused with Japanese flavours.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 01:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
When I first entered this place, the first thing that struck me was how contemporary the interior feels, yet it still gives that old school Japanese feel. The resto and bar also has a wide variety of alcoholic drinks in their bar-- Japanese sake, wine, beer, and all the other liquers you can think of.Since I came here for the event, I was lucky enough to enjoy the free flow of drinks. I asked the bartender what he could recommend and I was impressed that he knew his drinks well. I settled for the vodka sprite since this seemed to be the lighter drink. There were a lot of people but the bartender managed to serve us our drinks quite fast. As for the finger foods, they had Japanese dumplings, skewered fresh veggies, asparagus wrapped in duck, and other things which didn't reach my table. Yeah, there were a lot of people that night and the food wasn't really enough. I like the asparagus with duck because the duck didn't have a strong taste.
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