6221 6678
Ginza Tendon Itsuki is launched by Ramen Keisuke, a popular ramen chain in Singapore, as its 8th new concept outlet. The restaurant is launched in collaboration with the Ginza Itsuki Sushi restaurant in Tokyo, Japan.
The 24-seater outlet is located in Tanjong Pagar, and specializes in Tendon, which is Tempura Rice Bowl.
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Opening Hours
11:30 - 14:30
17:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 14:30
17:30 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
Signature Dishes
今次黎星加坡係住tanjong pagar,黎之前已經有好多人同我講話一定要食呢間天婦羅,本身諗住熱辣辣又要排隊又熱氣,食乜鬼天婦羅丫。。。。😒😒 不過見啲人講到咁而且真係每次經過都超多人排隊,唯有入去睇下咩料。。。點知真係好有驚喜呀😍😍成間鋪淨係買兩款tendon,一款係special tendon (係雞塊天婦羅) 另一款係vegetable tendon,end up 真係太好味我係去左兩次試哂兩款😆😆Special Tendon其實係一款定食,有麵豉湯同蒸蛋。個飯有天婦羅蝦同兩大塊雞。入面竟然有隻天婦羅蛋!😳😳😍😍😍仲要係流心架😆鍾意食蛋嘅人見到一定超開心!佢地個天婦羅有種好特別嘅醬汁拌飯一流!同埋佢個炸皮亦有別於一般嘅天婦羅,總之就唔係平時食慣嘅味道同口感😬😬Vegetable tendon雖然special tendon有我最鍾意食嘅蛋黃,但其實我麻麻地塊天婦羅雞,始終有啲dry同天婦羅雞硬係覺得有啲怪。。。🙈🙈 第二次去我就試左蔬菜tendon,感覺好對味☺️☺️,有茄子,蕃薯,正常蔬菜天婦羅,都係醬汁同炸粉取勝😬😬嗰一帶嘅餐廳都好細間,坐bar枱可以見到師傅整天婦羅😆😆個個都好快手。雖然好難說服大家去新加坡食天婦羅,但食左真係唔會後悔!👻👻
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Our first time at the restaurant. We thought the Special Tendonwas just delicious. The tempura was freshly prepared and served piping hot arranged on a bowl of rice. Do bring sufficient cash as that's the only thing accepted and be prepared to have your clothes, hair and bag smell of cooking after eating there...
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The outlet is another Japanese restaurant by Ramen Keisuke.One could smell the strong sesame oil even before stepping into the outlet. The kitchen hood exhaust system did not seem to work. Ventilation was poor. There is only 2 choices on the menu : Special Tendon ($13.90) or Vegetable Tendon ($12.90).It was a 20 minute wait before being showed to a counter seat. Help yourself to the iced water while waiting.Special TENDON (Tempura on Rice) ($13.90++)2 pieces of prawn, 2 pieces of chicken, half-boiled egg, 4 pieces of vegetables (long beans, pumpkin, Shimeji mushrooms)Served with chawamushi, miso soup, and complimentary pickled vegetables.The tempura was not as crispy and light as I preferred, especially for the chicken tempura which I felt was a bit dry and tough. Not wonder the female sitting next to me, requested it to be replaced with eggplant tempura which looked much better.One really stunk very badly after eating a meal in there.
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I went there at 1230pm on a weekday. Queued 20 min and order for the Special Tendon (2 dishes on the menu, the other is the Veg Tendon) was taken then. When ushered into the little restaurant, had to wait another 10 min for the meal, thankfully I was served the chawanmushi and helped myself to the pickles while watching the frying done b4 me at the counter seat. The tempura was fried JIT and served immediately. The tempura was superbly done. After eating a big bowl of 2 fried shrimps, 1.5 chunk of chicken breast (couldn't finish the other half, the portion was large) , 1 fried runny egg , a few assorted veg......there was no feeling of greasiness after the meal which I so easily feel when I eat fried stuff. And the rice was delicious. Normally, I don't fancy queuing for food. But I will be back! One thing I was not glad was it feels like eating in the kitchen since the frying is done in the same room as the diners. You carry a slight oily smell with u when u leave the place. But that's not going to deter me. Paid $13.90++.
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