The brain behind Wimbly Lu was thoroughly inspired after tasting real chocolate truffles in France and then decided to change her career path and do something different - set up Wimbly Lu. Their store specialises in desserts such as Root Beer Cake, Tiramisu and of course, chocolates. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:30
Wed - Thu
12:30 - 22:30
12:30 - 23:00
09:00 - 23:00
09:00 - 22:30
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Group Gathering
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (54)
Level4 2014-11-29
A hidden gem in the neighbour area, a nice cosy place right beside Fat Cats. =)Waffle with Cheesecake Icecream (ice cream of your choice) - $8.50We just had a heavy dinner so anything else was plain 'jerlat' to us, but the waffle with ice cream was such delightful that we ended up polishing off everything on the plate. Particularly liked the unique cheesecake icecream flavour compared to the rest of the flavours, which includes vanilla, chocolate, salted caramel etc. Overall, this is one of the rare places that offers good waffle (in my opinion)!Visit http://fun-hideout.blogspot.sg to read more! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Full Wimbly Lu review here: http://ivanteh-runningman.blogspot.sg/2014/11/wimbly-lu-little-wimbly-lu.htmlFrom the minute you walk in, Wimbly Lu / Little Wimbly Lu strikes you as a quaint dessert cafe. Barring their small, rather limited menu of main dishes, Wimbly Lu / Little Wimbly Lu has a wide range of desserts, displayed attractively in their large refrigerated cabinet near the entrance. Replicating the best examples of American, British, and French pastries and confectionerys, Wimbly Lu / Little Wimbly Lu also specialises in gourmet chocolates.Ambience at Wimbly Lu / Little Wimbly Lu is quaint, attractive, and homely. The space is closely packed, but the attractive furniture which doubles as decor is sadly, not very comfortable. I like that they have a lot of natural lighting, and they've also touched up the rafters with decorations. The main attraction is their vast display of desserts, all of which look so appetizing and decadent!Service at Wimbly Lu / Little Wimbly Lu is pretty good, as the young staff are friendly, chirpy, and efficient, able to meet requests quickly. Wait time for orders is generally short as well, taking less than 8 minutes before you're served. I also like that staff have a basic working knowledge on their desserts and chocolates, able to describe simply what it's made from.Food at Wimbly Lu / Little Wimbly Lu revolves around their desserts, though they have a small finger food menu. But as a gourmet chocolatier, a lot of their items contain chocolate in some form. Portions are sufficient for 1 person to finish, even without sharing, and I like that the sweetness of their desserts isn't too overwhelming. Prices are affordable as well, budget about SGD $10 or so per person for an after meal (or before meal) snack here.I felt the Classic Hot Chocolate (SGD $6) was smooth, but rather lacking in that rich chocolate taste that I like. But as it was served scaldingly hot, the marshmallows quickly dissolved into the beverage. Below average.The Bacon & Egg Crepe (SGD $9) is only available on weekends till 2pm, and consists of soft, creamy scrambled eggs, infused with smoky bacon bits, stuffed into a thin, light, French style crepe, with a side of fresh salad lettuce and cherry tomatoes. Tasty, and more filling than it looks!The Waffle With Honey Cinnamon Ice Cream & Maple Syrup (SGD $7.50) was excellent! I think they have among the best waffles in Singapore, crisp outside yet soft inside, fragrant, buttery, and hot. Perfect even on its own, or drizzled with sweet maple syrup. The ice cream is smooth and holds up well, and the taste of honey and cinnamon is distinct. Highly recommended!Was rather let down by the Sticky Date Pudding (SGD $5), which had potential, but didn't live up to it. The main problem is the method of serving, with the excellent, sticky sweet toffee sauce topping the pudding, unlike the classic British method of serving on a plate with the sauce around it. This means that once you've finished the top layer, the bottom of the pudding is left dry. Could be better. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I shouldn't have taken that long to visit Wimbly Lu Chocolates Cafe, but now that I have, it sits comfortably at the top of my favourite cafes in terms of food! I visited the cafe twice in a week - it's so good and also because it's part of my school assignment (self-inflicted) requirement. What do you think about Wimbly Lu? I compare their famous waffles with Creamier's waffleson't even think about it, just order this! Wimbly Lu Chocolates Cafe's waffles with ice-cream ($8.50) are to-die-for, and I can totally tell why after the first bite! The monologue in my head just went bonkers for a while: Oh my god, this is fantastic. Why did I wait for so long before coming here? And then, whoa, I think it's the best waffles (yet). Cafe-hopping is expensive business and so I haven't been to a lot, especially to the new fourth-generation wave of cafes mushrooming again in the last few months. But let's just compare this to the other cafe with waffles as their specialty - Creamier. I would say, Wimbly Lu wins, hands down! Given that they are quite different in terms of plating, their idea of what the perfect waffle mouthfeel should be like, I'm just giving a verdict on the overall.I prefer Wimbly Lu's classic style of presentation, and at the same time it's done so normally, effortlessly, but so well done. Creamier is a little tower of two smaller waffle squares, much sweeter and crispier but so much so it has an almost biscuit feel to it. Wimbly Lu's is closer to a pancake and just occasionally crispy at the right places. Creamier would be a wiser choice if none of Wimbly Lu's flavours tickle your cravings: Vanilla Bean, Cheesecake, Rum & Raisin, Salted Caramel, Honey Cinnamon, Milo and Chocolate Truffle, but I think they have all the popular yet unique (the latter came first) flavours in-store. Creamier does have the sorbet versions if you like it that way too. But if you haven't been to Wimbly Lu and are reading this... just go, okay? You will love it.Nowadays I reserve my mocha orders at cafes for cafes that people rave about because I don't want to waste my calcium loss on well, bad coffee. Wimbly Lu's mocha ($5.50): wonderfully executed, a little too foamy but still settles nicely on the palate, a little heavy on the chocolate side and less so on the caffeine. If I have to stop myself from guzzling the whole cup down, yes it's good.I wanted to get a chocolate tofu cake but they ran out, so I ordered the Double Chocolate Cheesecake ($5) which is very decadent and rich, none of the cloying sweet textures and all of the calories I don't mind having. I like the little whimsical touch of chocolate tracing over my plate, it just cheers me up so much more. But I'll still say: go for the waffles if you're going for the first time! The desserts are worth having too In addition to the food, I am impressed at how they kept their prices low with their quality of food. Too many overpriced cafes nowadays for the substandard quality of food, and yet people patronize them time after time (oh god why). I think Wimbly Lu is one of the few cafes that will endure through time. The nearest MRT is Lorong Chuan, a bit of a challenge to navigate over by foot but it can be done under 15 minutes. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-09-19
I have heard about Wimbly Lu for sometime, but haven't had the chance to try it out. This day, I finally did get to come here for dinner. Offering a cosy ambience with a large, spacious main foyer leading into a narrower alley of seats, Wimbly Lu with its brick walls and glittery lights does exude a quasi Old-World charm of its own. Service was a little lackluster because it was hard to get the crew's attention, but other than that, the cafe was rather lovely to begin with.We took a seat at the back, a newfound friend, *Justin and I. Drinks came first. There was the Iced Chocolate with Baileys (SGD$12.00) exuding the richness of sweet alcohol throughout a dense layer of rather-diluted chocolate drink.I had the Seafood Baked Rice (SGD$12.00) because I heard raves about it. The thick coating of cheese and softness of the rice was what lent credence to the otherwise rather bland dish. The seafood comprised merely of a few shrimps merely - or at least that was all I tasted amongst the baked concoction.For desserts, I had the Flourless Chocolate Cake with Salted Caramel Sauce (SGD$6.00) - a very rich slab of sticky, solid chocolate that clung to the insides of the mouth where it melted slowly into a delicious sweetness, like gold caressing the palate in a mellow fashion. The salted caramel sauce was diluted and weak in flavor though, and we didn't think it went well with the thick chocolate dessert.Justin had the famous Waffles (SGD$6.00) served with maple syrup and butter. They were fluffy, crispy and melted in the mouth, exactly like the way good waffles should be, the kind we imagine slapping a large scoop of ice-cream onto. It stayed crispy even after dousing maple syrup over it, and was not too sweet overall.For full review and more photos, please feel free to visit:http://thearcticstar.blogspot.sg/2014/09/dinner-at-wimbly-lu-cafe-serangoon.html continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2014-04-10
I was here with my friend on a Sunday morning. The cafe was crowded but the waiting time was bearable. It took us about 10mins to get a seat. The place is cozy and nice. I like the huge light-well glass ceiling that let in plenty of natural sunlight.  We ordered the Grand Slam($15) which consist of chipolata sausages, bacon, grilled tomato, hash brown, scrambled eggs, walnut bread and a small glass of fresh orange juice. In my opinion, the sausages and hash brown were great. It is well cooked and has nice texture. However, the scrambled eggs was too watery. We didn't finish it,too gross to continue. The walnut bread was a bit hard but still okay. We also order their famous root beer cake with vanilla ice cream. It is really good. We really enjoy the rich root beer taste which followed by the chocolaty after taste. The waffle($8) was disappointing. It is not crispy enough and is a bit bland. It failed to impress me and I feel that it is overprice. Just a scoop of ice cream with so so waffle. I think udders provide a better choice of waffles and ice cream.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)