6438 4038
Makansutra Gluttons Bay is a 12-stall open air hawker centre located in the Esplanade Mall. They serve a range of Singaporean cuisines, such as Satays, Mee Goreng, Hainanese Chicken Rice, Ngoh Hiang, Cantonese Wanton Mee and Hokkien Prawn Mee.
17:00 - 03:00
17:00 - 02:00
17:00 - 03:00
16:00 - 01:00
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在新加坡試試她出名的黑胡椒蟹是必然的,來到濱海藝術中心旁的一個露天熟食中心「makansutra gluttons bay」,不單是一個熟食大牌檔,還已經成為旅遊景點,就如台灣的夜市那樣。Makansutra大概有十來檔大牌檔左右,規模不算大,但都已包括了多款地道美食,如叻沙、炒貴刁、沙嗲串燒、炭燒雞翼、煎蛋蘿蔔糕、咖吷多士、新鮮螄蚶……等等。大牌檔座落海邊,並且以露天茶座為設計,晚間涼風陣陣,通爽非常,本來原意是選取露天木條長桌,但突然下大雨,就只好選了有大陽傘遮風擋雨的座位,感覺沒有那麼好。食物分別試了3個小攤檔,包括「水安煮炒」的黑胡椒蟹、「Alhambra Padang」的沙嗲、「The Gluttons Bar」的檸檬甘蔗汁、洋桃西芹汁。黑胡椒蟹,一份有兩隻蟹,不過便宜的價位,就明白不可能是厚肉的斯里蘭卡蟹,老闆亦很老實說明是本地蟹,勝在新鮮肉甜,而且檔前有齊「樣辦」,童叟無欺。雖然蟹沒有太多肉,但正如老闆所言,肉質非常之鮮甜,而且黑胡椒炒得既香且惹味,食至吮罷手指上的醬汁才罷休。牛肉、雞肉沙嗲,可以單點,亦可以雙拼。一客有8串,牛肉、雞肉各半,肉嫩有碳火香,靈魂在於沙嗲醬,一大碗沙嗲醬,絕對讓你每串串燒也蘸足沙嗲,最重要是濃稠度剛剛好,又有花生香,好味道!唯一不太合胃口是伴菜的米糕,無味,軟軟爛爛,口感較差而已。檸檬甘蔗汁、洋桃西芹汁均是新鮮即榨,配搭又特別,難得不會溝到不倫不類,而且冰凍,真是一口辣蟹,一口凍飲,爽乎!
Food isn't cheap and seating is tough to get, but it's a decent area to get different types of food in one location.The Hokkien mee was fried well and wasn't overly salty, however, it started to taste a little bland after a while. It was the right combination of wetness without being too dry or too soupy.The squid cost about $10; was tasty and seemed fresh, however, they served up a platter that was already cooked so it was kind of cold already..would have been so much better if it was hot and steaming off the grill.
after our late night movie treat , feeling hungry and past 12am decided to drop by makansutra Gluttons Bay for a guilty supper treat . Suprised by the crowd due to late night there are lot of people dining there , but luckily manage to get a seat we ordered stingray , satay , prawn , crabs etc I like the stingray due to the sambal chilli sauce , freshness of the fish , tenderness . Also the satay , the chicken is tender and the sauce is crunchy with bits of peanuts . The prawn is fresh n juicy
Since there isn't any place near the area that offer food to eat, we decided to drop by the hawker centre by makansutra just next to esplanade after our movie at marina square. I wanted something soupy but there isn't many options available there so I decided to get fried kway tiao instead to share. I also bought some bbq chicken wings and I find it quite pricey at a steep price of $1.40 per pc and a maximum order of 3 pcs is required. The chicken wings are small in size and really dont worth the price. The kway tiao tasted alright but a bit oily. didn't finish the whole plate as we got this very oily feel in our stomach. the place is majority filled by tourists and its quite rare to see a local visiting there except if you got no choice.
With the scenic Singapore River and Marina Bay as a backdrop, Esplanade is a beautiful place to chill and relax with the company of your loved ones, and good food. Now, as you all know, good food around the city area doesn't come cheap, especially if the place is known as a "tourist trap".Nevertheless, we were around the vicinity recently and decided to try out their sambal sting-ray based on one friend's recommendation. Surprisingly, the portion was quite good and the soft fleshy sting-ray meat paired by sambal belachan was just delicious.Defintiely a must try.