The stall is located in Kopitiam at JCube continue reading
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Fried Kway Teow
Review (1)
Level4 2013-08-26
This stall is awfully popular, when i went to the stall to order their Fried Oyster, there were already a lot of people crowding around waiting for their food to be cooked and all the stall assistants have disappeared to the kitchen behind to cook all the orders. i had to wait a good ten minutes for someone to come out and take my order. i think the fried oyster was pretty good, it did not have too much starch. there was more eggs instead. the chilli dip was very good, had a good balance of acidity and spiciness. the oysters they used were very fresh and juicy. it was such a pleasure to eat it. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)