Opening Hours
06:00 - 20:00
Tue - Sun
06:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Cash Only
Open Till Late
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Carrot Cake
Review (16)
Level4 2024-05-30
用餐日期:2024/05/21用餐時段:午餐用餐費用(每人):$2.5餐廳環境:在熟食中心內的檔位 客人拿餐後自己找位置 這熟食中心有很多店鋪 開放空間內有不少座位 檯與檯之間較近 人多時可能要搭檯服務:服務員服務態度正常 下單付款後會提供取餐提醒器 提醒器響時就可取餐 味道:點了菜頭粿(大份)菜頭粿(大份)$5:份量足 這家菜頭粿是每日新鮮即製 要先把蘿蔔切絲 加入菜脯 粘米粉等蒸成粿 炒菜頭粿先將菜頭粿鏟爛反以大火炒 隨後倒入大量蛋漿 將它煎成長塊狀 再用鏟子切成方塊狀菜頭粿 整個過程是慢工出細貨 是對食物品質有要求的檔口 有時剛賣完一鍋就要等上長時間才會有 這家煎成的菜頭粿外香脆內軟滑味道好 這次來發現換了1個年青人炒 味道還是不錯但有點偏咸 希望下次再來時炒菜頭糕可以減咸些 如以往男老檔主炒的菜頭粿香滑不咸就更好 總結:這家炒菜頭粿已開了超過50年 很多本地人應都食過或聽過 也是我每次回新加坡探親必食的其中1間店鋪 會常來這家店是因為喜愛簡單好味的食物 這家店只賣一個菜色而且專注做好超過50年是很難得和值得欣賞+支持的地方 希望下次菜頭粿可如以往老檔主炒那樣不咸就完美 整體是值得推薦的本地老字號炒菜頭粿店提示:這家炒菜頭粿有時是需要耐心等待 建議下單後可先去買其他想食檔口的食物 一邊食一邊等餐檔資訊: continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-01-18
It was a hot day and it is far too hot to eat at the hawker centre. I decided to just takeaway my lunch back home. There are quite a few carrot cake stalls in the hawker centre but I ordered from this carrot cake stall as I could see them frying the carrot cake and it looked appetitsing. I requested mine with chilli and it is added into the carrot cake and fried at the very last minute before it was dished up. The carrot cake here is fried like a pancake style as it had enough egg to coat the carrot cakes together into one block. The uncle will then it into smaller rectangular blocks and serve. I ordered the $3 portion and I think there are around 6 blocks in my takeaway order. The carrot cake is really fragrant and the taste does not disappoint as well. The carrot cake is crispy on the exterior due to the generous coating of egg surrounding the carrot cake as the carrot cake is pan fried for a while on the pan. The interior is soft but not mashy. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-01-11
This is one of the best carrot cakes i have eaten and will continue supporting.Most of the time i would only eat black carrot cake that is sweet.This carrot cake is different,this stall only sells white carrot cake.And best of all they will deliver the carrot to your table where you are seated.I always order the $3 portion which comes with generous portion of eggs and crunchy caipok.The carrot cake is nicely fried and has an crispy edge which i loves. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-12-06
He zhong carrot cake $2The portion of carrot cake was reasonable for one that costs $2. It makes a light lunch or a side dish to be shared with 2 people. The carrot  cake's texture was not hard and quite soft. They were fried with eggs. There was no wok taste and The taste was rather bland, lacking of fragrance. They should appeal to people who eat healthy. After reading the reviews, I find it a disappointment after trying. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-11-05
My colleague took me to Bukit Timah Market and introduced this stall to me. I remembered I was not even hungry but I ordered anyway because it's only $2. I did not regret at all. This is the best carrot cake that I had ever tasted in my life. The carrot cake was soft and yummy inside and there were a lot of egg fried in together. On the outside it was slightly charred and giving it a bit of a crisp. All put together, the texture was so good. You must give this carrot cake a try if you are in the area. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)