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Review (16)
明明有一週時間待在新加坡,應該做到看到更多的事與物 不過還是與友人悠閒四逛自在一點,反正這麼就近總有再訪的機會 直至最後一天上機之前我們仍在趕路,拖著行李來到機場附近的樟宜村小販中心 七天過去,而美食清單上的項目卻沒消去,但是來到美食廣場就一次過可以嚐到不同滋味 01-26 A Mizzy Corner 當然不乏我一直想吃的Nasi Lemak,想不到究竟要吃哪家,那就看人龍最長而定 圖片確實只供參考,B餐 Fillet, Egg, Ikan Bilis的炸魚方塊原來是如麥記炸魚漢堡的存在 配料多樣,特別是脆口魚仔,而粒粒分明的椰漿飯香得清新,就是炸魚塊來得不合心 樟宜村小販中心 2 Changi Village Rd, Singapore 500002 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-12-07
Nasi lemak ($4.50): This nasi lemak was not as delicious as the other nasi lemak stall at changi village. The rice lacked the lemak taste and was not fragrant enough. The chilli would be better if it was spicier. The otah was slightly spicy. Overall, it is sufficient to satisfy nasi lemak cravings. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-04-28
Extremely crispy chicken wing - you can definitely enjoy the crispness as you bite into it. Chicken wings hardly go wrong! And it's quite a big chicken wing and not those malnutritioned ones that can be finished off in a few mouthfuls. The chicken wing is also piping hot and slightly salty. Good taste, not plainly chicken wing without any flavours.Normal egg but served slightly cold, so I didn't really like it. Maybe they cooked too much to standby. Rice was nothing fanciful or overly delicious taste, just some coconut fragrance in it. Luckily, it's a bit warm and not served cold rice.Too salty ikan bilis though... way too salty.Good chilli, very sweet tasting with a little spice. I might consider eating it again due to its chilli.http://phuachiuyen.wordpress.com/2013/11/22/mizzy-corner-nasi-lemak-changi-village/ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-10-10
There has been much debate about the best nasi lemak stall at Changi Village. The competition is between Mizzy Corner and International Muslim Food, both had loads of people queuing up at meal times. I have tried the nasi lemak from the later some weeks ago and now the nasi lemak from Mizzy Corner. So how do they compare? Here's the lowdown...Nasi Lemak set $3.50The set comes with 1 and 1/2 chicken wing, ikan bilis and fried egg. The chicken wing was very crispy and meaty, good! Ikan bilis serving was very little, taste wise ok. Egg has slight runny yolk, not bad. The rice is not as fragrant and soft as the other muslim stall, so overall I still prefer the nasi lemak from International Muslim Food stall.Otak $1.00This is not nice, don't bother ordering.Conclusion, if I were to queue for nasi lemak, I will not queue for this stall. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-09-02
The perpetual long queue was palpable during weekend waiting patiently for the steaming hot rice from the Mizzy Corner Nasi Lemak. The snaking queue was a obvious contrast to the sparsely customers patronized the Sri Sujana. Honestly speaking, after tasting the Mizzy Corner and compared with Sri Sujana, we think justice need to be done to the over-hyped Nasi Lemak Mizzy Corner and give the far under-rated and much impressive underdog-Sri Sujana Nasi Lemak some boost.We paid a lot of attention to the rice and chili, the rice from Mizzy Corner was too ordinary, missing the critical mass of the nice coconut and pandan fragrance, very disappointing compared to Sri Sujana Nasi Lemak. The chili from both of the stalls was sweet and nice, blended very well with the rice.Mizzy corner Nasi Lemak may have an upperhand on the ikan bili which was of better quality grade and nicely fried to the right crispiness, the Chicken wings were comparable with Sri Sujana. For full review and more photos, please visit www.ieatandeat.com continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)