Founded more than 70 years ago as a humble coffee stall business, Ya Kun has grown leaps and bounds as a strong homegrown brand. With more than 100 outlets across Asia, it has done Singapore proud with its signature piping hot coffee and charcoal-grilled toast with homemade kaya. continue reading
Opening Hours
07:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Cash Only
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Chicken Char Siew Toastwich French Toast with Kaya Iced Kopi Kaya Peanut Steamed Bread Kaya Toast with Butter Soft-Boiled Eggs
Review (2)
Level3 2014-01-13
It was a Saturday morning and we decided to try out the newly opened Ya Kun Family Cafe at West Mall. While other shops were still closed, this restaurant was already filled with early birds enjoying their hearty breakfast. There were indoor seats and outdoor seats, we chose indoor.Their kaya toast with butter set ($4.6) comes with 2 pieces of kaya toast, 2 half-boiled eggs and a cup of milk tea. Each slices of bread was sliced at the middle to two with kaya spread and slices of butter in between. The toasts crumbled so easily that we left crumbs all over the table (messy food always taste better!). However, it was not as crunchy as I would have expected (or was it because I was too busy capturing the perfect image of this wonderful stack of bread to the point of missing out the golden moment of enjoying the toast??).The half-boiled egg was runny. I like to add a dash of pepper and generous amount of dark soy sauce to the egg before mixing them together and gulped down immediately! The gravy for mee rebus ($4.8) has a rich peanut taste. It was quite starchy at first, and then became diluted as it getting cold. We may not come back for their mee rebus I think.These were cold silky barley ($2.5) and hot milk tea. Do you notice the white color flakes in the barley drink? Those were Fu Chok, or dried bean curd (the type that is thin and crumbles easily, meant for sweet dessert), it added a velvety and silky texture to the barley drink!Unlike other Ya Kun Kaya Toast, this Ya Kun Kaya Family Cafe serves more variety of food. It will certainly become one of my favorite weekend breakfast spots! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-12-14
Laksa $5. The taste of the laksa was just average. There was no fragrance of laksa and there were not many ingredients in it, just one slice of taupok, one prawn which was not fresh, a few cockles and one hard boiled egg. The laksa stock could have been better if they added more dried shrimps. $5 is quite expensive for such quality so I will not recommend you to try this. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)