2012-12-18 5 views
For full details and pictures : http://dairycream.blogspot.sg/2012/11/forest-of-tastes.htmlThis place actually offers much more interesting looking dishes such as omelette in pink gravy of Mentaiko and grilled unagi in light grey-colored mustard sauce. Looks weird on the menu but they certainly stirred my curiosity. Desserts are recommended if you still have space. Sashimi Moriawase (5 kinds) These were very fresh and should satisfy any sashimi lovers. But if you have a bigger appetite, go for t
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For full details and pictures : http://dairycream.blogspot.sg/2012/11/forest-of-tastes.html

This place actually offers much more interesting looking dishes such as omelette in pink gravy of Mentaiko and grilled unagi in light grey-colored mustard sauce. Looks weird on the menu but they certainly stirred my curiosity. Desserts are recommended if you still have space.

Sashimi Moriawase (5 kinds)
These were very fresh and should satisfy any sashimi lovers. But if you have a bigger appetite, go for the 7 kinds.

Kaki Fry (Fried oysters)
For those who might be looking for raw oysters, unfortunately this is the only oyster dish. Paired with mustard sauce, they certainly go well with another mug of beer.

Ebi and Avocado Roll:
An average decent plate of sushi that is non spicy and suitable for kids who cannot take sashimi or spicy sauce.

Pork and Kimchi Nabe
This left a deep impression because the thick kimchi stock here is actually more intense and flavorful than some Korean restaurants. The rich claypot of onions, cabbage, mushrooms and thinly sliced shabu shabu pork gives the soup a natural sweetness. Oh, and don't forget to break and mix the egg yolk before you dig in!
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)