Something caught my eyes when I passed by Hans on the way home yesterday."Oooh.. pineapple tarts! So fast.. they are pushing sales for Chinese New Year goodies before X'mas is even here!" I thought.The amiable cashier lady told me that the tarts were new items and that they had a nice pineapple aroma and were very, VERY tasty. The tarts did look pretty decent. Being a pineapple tarts junkie, I just drank in her words like a thirsty camel and ended up buying a pack home to try.What a letdow
"Oooh.. pineapple tarts! So fast.. they are pushing sales for Chinese New Year goodies before X'mas is even here!" I thought.
What a letdown when we tried the tarts back home...
Overall, the tarts were disappointing...
I just had to somehow get the awesome semi-retired home baker mum to fire up her oven again for the festive goodies!
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