This is HungryBytes living in Eunos.
I am a Marketer, work in Orchard. I also love
Hawker Centre and Desserts and Cakes, Dim Sum, Zi Char.

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I am Alvin and I'm a filmmaker, I have seen your review on Mr and Mrs Mohgan’s Super Crispy Roti Prata. Me and a few filmmakers are doing a project, a full length documentary that pays tribute to the hawker and the food they are selling that still retains the most authentic flavour. For Prata, I'm looking to feature Mr and Mrs Mohgan’s Super Crispy Roti Prata, but I'm hoping if you can help me by answering a few questions as I've read your review and it seems like you do know them pretty well.
Why is the stall and their prata so special to you personally? (You mentioned about u asking your husband what he wants for breakfast and he said "Prata!") That's very interesting to me because I'm looking for interesting stories to narrate about the stall based on own personal experience.
Is the flavour still authentic?
How is the prata different from the rest of the stalls?
What are the interesting histories or stories between you and the stall?
Thanks and I hope you are able to help me.
This is my contact number, 98170437 and my email is
Feel free to contact me.
Best Regards,
Alvin Lee