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This is dcs12m living in Tampines. I am a Residence Manager, work in Fort Road. I like to hang out in Arab Street, Beach Road, Boat Quay. Korean, Thai, Indian are my favorite cuisines. I also love Bakery, Café and Zi Char.
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dcs12m  Level 4
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Showing 281 to 300 of 7508 Photos in Singapore
Eggplant With Chicken Floss
Eggplant With Chicken..
Dinner last evening.
Dinner last evening.
Dinner last evening.
Dinner last evening.
Dinner with Miss June Kay.
Dinner with Miss Jun..
Iced Duo Cocoa Mocha
Iced Duo Cocoa Moc..
Tea break with Miss June Kay.
Tea break with Miss J..
Purchased for breakfast tomorrow morning
Purchased for breakfast..
Double scoops (2 x 3oz)
Double scoops (2 x 3o..
Single Scoop (3oz)
Single Scoop (3oz)
One of the most popular cuts, the tenderloin here is tastefully seasoned and grilled to bring out its remarkably rich flavours. Served with your choice of BBQ, sambal or black pepper sauce
One of the most popular..
Rich in Omega-3, this is perfect if you’re craving for something healthy yet yummy! Dig into salmon fillet grilled to tender perfection and accompanied with their very own pesto cream sauce
Rich in Omega-3, thi..
Mango and Peach flavored sparkling drink
Mango and Peach flavo..
Dinner with Miss June Kay.
Dinner with Miss Jun..
PWP Lemon Ai Yu Jelly
PWP Lemon Ai Yu ..
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