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This is dcs12m living in Tampines. I am a Residence Manager, work in Fort Road. I like to hang out in Arab Street, Beach Road, Boat Quay. Korean, Thai, Indian are my favorite cuisines. I also love Bakery, Café and Zi Char.
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dcs12m  Level 4
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Showing 141 to 160 of 7508 Photos in Singapore
Wafu BBQ Beef Steak Wazen
Wafu BBQ Beef Ste..
Chuka Lidako Chinmi
Chuka Lidako Chinmi
Lunch with Miss June Kay.
Lunch with Miss June ..
Red Wine
Red Wine
Mango Juice
Mango Juice
Tea break with Miss June Kay.
Tea break with Miss J..
Kaya Toast With Butter Set
Kaya Toast With But..
Tea break with Miss June Kay.
Tea break with Miss J..
Grilled Prawns
Grilled Prawns
Lunch with Mr. Anthony Goh and Simon Lee.
Lunch with Mr. Antho..
Lunch with Mr. Anthony Goh.
Lunch with Mr. Antho..
Dinner with Miss June Kay.
Dinner with Miss Jun..
Pamersean Truffle Chicken
Pamersean Truffle C..
Whipped Potato
Whipped Potato
Dinner with Miss June Kay.
Dinner with Miss Jun..
nyonya kueh
nyonya kueh
Buffet lunch
Buffet lunch
Buffet lunch
Buffet lunch
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