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Showing 36 to 40 of 115 Reviews in Singapore
dim sums OK Jun 19, 2013   
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Categories : Cantonese/Hong Kong | Coffeeshop | Dim Sum

The carrot cakes contain eight small pieces in bite size, which is more convenient to eat.
The texture of the carrot cake was lovely and smooth, but it was quite light on carrot flavour.

The prawn filling was wonderfully crunchy and tasty and possessed a strong aroma of sesame oil.
The skin was nicely done but could have been a little lighter in texture.

The BBQ char siew buns are light and fluffy with really sweet dough and really disappointing fillings.
The fillings are drier than what I usually ate and not fragrant enough.
The sweet dough definitely overpowered the fillings.

Look plain and taste kinda bland.

Nothing spectacular but the prawns are quite fresh.
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Paus OK Jun 17, 2013   
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Categories : Dim Sum

Saw online that the char siew pau from ho kee pau is a must buy for quite a lot customers when patronizing the store, thus I decided to buy one to taste it out and to satisfy my craving. When I was paying money for the paus I bought, a man asked for four char siew paus, I then think to myself that their char siew pau must be really tasty.
After trying it out myself, I should say that it is indeed quite tasty, not like very extraordinary or what, but it does taste quite different from those I have tasted so far.
Although the pau is small, the char siew fillings inside were quite generous with, and has a tinge alcoholic and coffee taste to it, and the proportion of meat to fat is quite equal.
The bun is soft and moist, which matched very well with its cute size.

As a store specializing in paus (according to its store name), I was quite disappointed with their big pau, the bun is quite rough and thick, and the meat filling is quite tough and dry.
I do not know is it due to me placing the big pau in an air con room for a few hours before eating them, But, if that’s the case, why the char siew pau, which also sat in the air con room for a few hours, still can maintain its taste and texture?

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pepper lunch Smile Jun 17, 2013   
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Categories : American | Japanese | Restaurant | Pasta | Steaks and Grills

If you love eating your rice with butter and black pepper, you can't go wrong with Pepper Lunch, especially with some other sauces available for you to mix yourself.
I like the idea of being served raw meats and then cook them in a sizzling hotplate myself, as I can choose to cook them rare, medium or well done, or a combination of these three doneness (Ya, I know I am talking about just a few pieces of meat, not a steak tongue).
The chicken meats are quite well marinated with black pepper bits.
The rice is tasty with a combination of black pepper and butter, accompanied with the sweet corns which matched well.
The egg, like how it looks, tasted like normal home cooked sunny side up, nothing special though.
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fish n chips Smile Jun 17, 2013   
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Categories : American | Seafood | Halal | Kids-Friendly

The fish n chips were deep fried to a satisfactory crisp, crispy on the outside but tender and moist beneath that crunchy layer. It comes with fresh mixture of salad, french fries and a lemon to add some zesty punch to the fish batter.
While the first few bites of the fish were flavourful, the overwhelming amount of grease and oil soon resulted in a feeling of bloat and guilt.
The salads were quite crunchy.
The fries were decent, although it has to be said that they were surprisingly oil-free as compared to the fish fillet.
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crayfish pasta Smile Jun 17, 2013   
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Categories : American | Western Variety | Restaurant | Ice Cream and Gelato | Pasta | Steaks and Grills | Halal | Coffee | Brunch

The pasta not only has the crayfish as main ingredient, it has added a lot of other ingredients too, such as crabsticks, fish fillet, mushrooms and so on. The crayfish that were served were fried and very fresh with quite a lot meat. The fish fillet were big and nice. The spaghetti blended very well with the tomato sauce and all the other ingredients, it was heavenly matched and the taste can really stay in my mind which makes me crave for it again often.
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