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For a full story coverage and picture, please join me at the dining table: that teeny edible buds that everyone’s knowing, but possibly associate with the capital of Belgium when one talks about Brussels – its largest city. I remember seeing that naked boy peeing into the fountain’s basin, if you can guess who I was referring to. Of course, one has to walked quite a fair bit from the Grand Place (side lane from Brussels Town Hall) to meet thi
Brussels Sprouts at Big Splash is the 2nd outlet following its first at The Pier@ Robertson. It was a distance away from my usual arrival point – the defunct East Coast Park McDonald’s. I missed the area so much that I decided to stroll my way to the Big Splash. It was not effortless. I could feel that blow torch blistering my scalp after that 5 minutes’ walk but I continued.
Without delaying, I gave my orders to one of the wait staff who looks so peppy. Not knowing what to do and didn’t want to toy with my phone, I turn to watch the kids running around with their colorful balloons. I enjoyed the causal atmosphere it brings with laughter and cutlery orchestrating in the background. What a lighthearted moment.
If you are keen for a weekend breakfast at the same time watching the coast, Brussels Sprouts at Big Splash serves Sunday Breakfast menu. Only at this outlet, you get to choose between sandwiches, tartines, sausage platter or simply just go with a Brussels Sprouts Breakfast to save your agony in decision making. What a way to sit back and appreciate that short Sunday moment.