6509 8638
At Hoshino Coffee, sip on our "hand-dripped" coffee over satisfying and tantalising desserts.
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Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 21:30
11:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 21:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Looking at the menu made me wonder , it is a Japanese restaurant as name hoshino coffee. The environment total do look like one. The food is modern and order their signature Salmon Wasabi spaghetti and strawberry French toast. This round we also ordered ice Hoshino coffee and iced fruit tea. Possibly 10-15mins and finally our food arrived. The Salmon wasabi look great with alot of seaweed on top with special made cheese. The taste was so special. The spaghetti is thin type and medium contexts. It taste is good for me except more spicy 🌶 will be a plus. Those Chef recommendation strawberry French toast look beautiful and sweet with some honey to TOP up. It have 3 type of taste inside your mouth. Wow 😳 that so special as I don't eat such stuff often. Iced coffee is so special in my tasting as comes with syrup and milk. Mixture them up and you can feel the coffee mild taste and not so sweet. More of healthy choice but it is good for a tired day. Overall is my first attempt and will come back for spaghetti.
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今日因為要去銀行辦一點小事,所以就選擇了這間餐廳。梳乎里Soufflé with Beef Stew Doria要等20分鐘,上枱熱辣辣,等要有耐性。除咗得意之外,味道真的一般般。整體上菜式份量比較少,畢竟這餐廳主打咖啡,我們可能要以体諒的心情去對待這餐館了。
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