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Signature Dishes
Review (1)
Level4 2011-10-25
This is one of my all time favourite hawker food and I love it for the intense prawn stock taste. I believe Hokkien Mee must be fried using the thin bee hoon and not the thick ones as many use. By stir frying the bee hoon first, you have the wok hei taste to it. The follow-on adding of prawn stock to simmer allows for all the goodness and richess to be absorbed in the bee hoon. I usually wait at least 30 minutes for this and am continuously impressed that the order takers will remember each person's orders religiously and without messing the queue. Overall rating was great and I'm sure hokkien mee lover will definitely love it! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)