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Signature Dishes
Bo Bo Cha Cha
Review (2)
Level4 2012-04-07
This is my second visit to Queen's desserts. The menu is pretty much the same as the previous time I was here. I decided to order the cheng teng since it is a hot day and I thought this would be quite a cooling dessert to have. The ingredients for the cheng teng include the usuals like longans, red dates, white fungus etc. Of course, the ingredients are quite tasteless already since it has been simmered for a long time, but I enjoyed chewing on them all the same. The dessert is quite sweet for me, but should be alright for most people. There are many other desserts there which I would like to return to try the next time! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)