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Signature Dishes
Mee Siam Mee Soto
Review (1)
Level4 2014-03-04
Without a particular craving during lunch time, something simple was enough to satisfy me. My colleague suggested Malay Food, thus we went to the place nearby our office. Assorted Halal food were sold here, Menu was quite extensive at a very reasonable price. Stall was well maintained, easy to catch attention upon entering the coffee shop. Sort of Mamak dish, it was very common to be found. Slurp-worthy and springy, the noodles were actually boiled first before stir-frying. Ingredients included eggs, chickens, veggies, carrots and little shrimps, final appearance was slightly yellowish brown. Striking my taste buds, noodles were coated with appropriate lick of grease and spice. A scoop of tomato poured aside, it was a mixture of salty, sweet and spicy. Portion wise, the serving was sufficient for me. The plate was priced at $3.50, rather cheap and economy. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)