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Signature Dishes
Wanton Noodle
Review (1)
Level4 2014-12-02
For lunch yesterday, I ordered from this wanton noodles stall as the queue is short and the photos of the dish looks very appetising. I chose the fried wantons instead of the non-fried wantons since I am ordering a takeaway and I was afraid the skin of the soup wantons will be all lumpy when I got back. The noodles did not get all soggy when I ate it half an hour later. The noodles retain their bite and are quite yummy with the sauce that they use to season the noodles. The wantons are also nice and it is still rather crispy. The char siew is normal though. I love the chili as it is quite spicy and is really heats up the noodles. For the chili, I will patronise again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)