Coco Ichibanya believes in efficient and friendly service, serving up tasty Japanese curries to customers in an informal service. continue reading
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Signature Dishes
Beef Curry Pork Cutlet Omelette Rice
Review (4)
Level2 2015-06-16
Being an avid curry lover and also a spicy lover ( I'm a spice newb LOL), it's a must to eat here.This outlet is quite packed almost everytime I dined in. Not the less the service is still okay, quick ushering in to seats and friendly service.The curry here are in 5 spice levels (mild to very hot). I'm tolerating 4 at the moment... My friends on the other hand are stuck at 2-3 interphase. *Omelet Curries have fixed spice! ((Crpisy chicken and warm curry! However from this you may see that the size of the chicken is RIDICULOUSLY TINY. Perhaps a time to upgrade? Curries for the different dishes tasted similar - that slow settling spice only kicks in after a few bites and chews. There's even more spice on every table should you want to challenge yourself. One thing I do relish is that you change the rice serving (hence changing the price) and add in stuff like tuna, corn, etc. However some dishes might not be worth ordering at all... ; ) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-12-12
For more reviews, www.umakemehungry.comCoco ICHIBANYA is a listed company and is known for its famous curry house from Japan for more than 30 years. With 1,214 branches in Japan and other counrties such as Thailand, China, USA and South Korea.Having seen its launch in Somerset, they are always on my list of "To Try" places.Dining concept was modern with vibrant ambiance and comfortable settings.One part of their dining which drew my attention was their semi circle dining chairs, comfortable and suitable for food sharing with friends on a round table. Business name of the curry house was even stamped onto their utensils like spoons and forks. I'm amazed.To make a meal with our plates of curry rice, we topped up with the choice of two items, mini salad and a drink. Mini bowl of salad was served first before the main courses. Lettuce, japanese cucumbers, corns kernels and tomato drenched in sesame dressing make up the mini bowl.Lemon Tea was served!However, it comes without sugar content and we are suppose to add in the syrup to determine gauge the sweetness level.While we can choose the level of sweetness from the bubbletea shops, in CocoIchibanya, customers get to have their say in the spice adjustment of the curry withmild (for children)Level 0 - StandardLevel 1 - Medium HotLevel 2 - HotLevel 3 - Extra hotLevel 4 - Super HotLevel 5 - Crazy Hot Fried Chicken Omelet Curry was presentable, served in a round white plate loaded with a pool of thick, gooey curry with bright yellow omelet covering up the rice. Pieces of fried chicken was placed surrounding the rice, quarterly sank into the curry pool.To play safe, we took the default (standard) spice level, it does taste a tad spicy but still without control limits. Chicken was tender and fried to golden brown. Yummy!It looks a little big more meat here on the plate of Pork Cutlet Omelet Curry. Simply love the breaded texture at the pork exterior and with its meat without being too fatty. Likewise, the omelet was moist with smooth texture, giving a sweet taste which features the characteristics how an omelet taste like from the Japanese.Breaded pork was a little tough but goes very well with the thick and tasty curry.Attentive service and its delicious curry give the best reason to make a return here. This place is recommendable to all especially Japanese Curry Lovers! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-10-16
The Pancake Wave in Japan at might be the motivation behind the launch of pancakes at the Westgate outlet and it is the first overseas outlet to do so. (You can't find pancakes in any Japan outlets either). But pioneering new items are attached with great risks. Outlook were not very optimistic for the pancakes, which had a common problem of being too weighty, dense and chewy. Portion size is good for desserts but the whipped cream wilted badly at the mercy of the heat emitted from those fresh-of-the-griddles batter. There are currently four variants - Caramel Nutty Pancake, Banana Choco Pancake, Rainbow Fruity Pancake, and Happy Berry Pancake.So perhaps it may be good to practice some patience and await a better batch of 2nd-generation pancakes as the recipe undergoes a revamp. In the meantime, keep calm and try some of the unique curry that meets the local tastebuds.How can Japanese curry be so spicy that it sets off a burning sensation on the tongue? Yes, chilli heads will be delighted to know that one can get some kick-a** curry at Coco Ichibanya, if you order the highest level 5. I took up the challenge to have a taste and it approximates close to our punchy Southeast Asian Sambal. But for those who love the classically sweet Japanese curry, go for level 0.Full review: http://dairycream.blogspot.sg/2014/10/coco-ichibanya-westgate-new-pancake-wave.html continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Curry needs no introduction to Singaporeans – we’re all familiar with all its different variations and just how plain delicious it can be. But the Japanese have certainly brought their own twist to this popular dish – and we got to experience this recently at the newly opened branch of CoCo Ichibanya at Westgate Jurong. The Westgate outlet is the first cafe-style concept for CoCo Ichibanya in Singapore.CoCo ICHIBANYA offers varieties of Japanese Curry, and is perhaps the only curry restaurant chain that allows us to customize or design our plate of curry rice. The highly customisable menu allows us to pick the amount of rice and the type of vegetable to go along with it, with different levels of spiciness, from the highest of level 5 to a mild level of almost sweet curry.We have tried their level 2 spiciness for Pork cutlet curry with cheese $12, level 3 spiciness for Creamed mushroom omelette curry $14,Salad $7, Banana Choco Pancake $8.90 and Rainbow Fruity Pancake $8.90.Our verdict, curry from Coco Ichibanya will definitely be able to meet our curry craving with its rich and flavourful curries. Though we have not tried level 4 and 5, judging from level 2 and 3, we think that’s already good enough for the general public who can tolerate some level of spiciness.Please refer to www.ieatandeat.com for details review. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)