Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Cash Only
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (1)
(Non-member) 2012-05-10
Went to order fruit juice from this store. Asked the uncle whether they have strawberry juice, and the uncle just nodded and went ahead to prepare the drink.Just as he took the milk out, I stopped him and said I dont want milk. He IGNORED me and went ahead to pour the milk in and said, "Next time you don't want milk must say earlier."Seriously?! Which part of "JUICE" did he not understand? If i want milkshake, I would have ordered "strawberry MILKSHAKE" and not "strawberry JUICE" right?I do not consume milk, which is why I ordered juice in the first place. So I thought bo bian (no choice), just pay and give the drink to my colleague. While he was making the orders of the next customer, I was telling my colleague that I already said "juice" what, not my fault that he dont understand the difference between "juice" from "milkshake" despite being the business for so many years right. After he purposely served the next customer and ignored us, he asked if I was okay with the milkshake. I thought he finally see the light and realised it was his fault, so I said, is it okay if I dont want it. He said okay and went on to prepare my strawberry juice.Imagine my disbelief when I see that he did not even bother to wash the blender off the milk, and just anyhow throw 4-5 tiny strawberries in it, and top it up with plenty of ice and water. He then went on to the drink to the uncle at the fruits fridge (cashier of the stall), and specifically said $3. Seriously, I dont believer the drink is $3 at all. People order green apple yakult etc the most is $2.50, and mine $3?? Another point was he did not mention the price of the other orders to the cashier, but specifically mentioned mine. Obviously, he is making me pay for the strawberry milkshake earlier too. If he is so sore about his mistake, he could have just let me pay the milkshake.To make things worse, the so-called strawberry juice tasted like plain ice water, with bit of soury taste and the disgusting milky taste (because I hate milk, so I find the milk taste disgusting).Technically, I paid $3 for a plain ice water and yet have to put up with the uncle's bad service and attitude, for a mistake that was not even my fault in the very first place.Never ever patronise this stall. BOYCOTT!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)