The concept of Coffee & Toast was hatched in 2005 to provide delicious traditional breakfast sets in a cosy environment to busy working executives. They have evolved to be a café which provides all day dining of local favorite cuisines like Chicken Rendang, Mee Rebus, Laksa & Mee Siam. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
Open 24 Hours
Other Info
Open 24 Hours
Open Till Late
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Beef Boat Noodle Chicken Boat Noodle Chicken Rendang Laksa Mee Rebus Mee Siam
Review (2)
每天與友人四處逛,沒有太多旅遊目標,就只為看看吃吃,輕輕鬆鬆一週就過去了 途中遇上不少意外驚喜,然而美食清單沒有作多少刪減 直到最後一天去機場前仍在努力中,先掃一轉樟宜村,到達辦理手續後也不停歇 直接去機場的Coffee&Toast補一補完咖央滋味,方為完滿,其他的下次再續 瀏覽樟宜機場官網,T1及T2共有三家Coffee&Toast,位於開放區域未入閘已經去到 面對機場本來的高樓底,加上店家在露地玻璃旁,透光度十足,感覺太寫意 點餐後靜待呼叫器作出反應,叫做可以放鬆Hea一下,畢竟由朝早拖行李周圍走拖到下午了 因為先前已經掃食一輪,這次不點加蛋加飲品的套餐,單點一份Kaya Crispy Toast S$2 抓住一片微暖的金黃,硬脆多士乾爽無油,夾餡牛油稍為融化,與甜濃咖央醬混合 除了我選的脆口多士,亦可配以軟圓面包及英式鬆餅,價位相差不遠 經過七日,終於吃到第一份咖央多,卻在告別之時,有點不捨,新加坡食物實在太對胃口 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-12-18
I was there to catch an early flight to Hong Kong. The option for breakfast was rather limited so this was a choice out of convenience after checked-in. I wanted something warm so i went for Mee Siam and Coffee for $5.00 served in disposable wares. The service was quick. Ordered and paid at the counter then proceed to end of the row to collect the ordered items. A good portion of Mee Siam was served with a hard-boiled egg then garnished with bits of tau pok and chopped spring onion. First mouthful of the Mee Siam was nice but it gotten a little too plain when continued eating. The slight taste of spiciness was seemingly only on the surface. Perhaps i should mixed it a bit more thorough before eating it. It tasted decent for a low expectation breakfast before flight. The coffee was decent as well. It would definitely be better if the coffee taste was slightly stronger with more milk and a little bit more sugar added. Prices are slightly on the high side but acceptable. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)