9776 6269
米其林超值餐馆 (2022)
11:00 - 19:30
11:00 - 19:30
09:00 - 14:30
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
除了A Noodle Story的拉麵, Amoy Street Food Centre的米芝蓮店還有這家桐記牛肉粿條. 店子賣的只有一款菜式, 海南牛肉粉.海南牛肉粉 $5: 8.5分, 分濕和乾兩個款式, 遷就小晴晴, 吃濕的吧. 先喝口湯, 很清甜, 無添加. 牛肉呈微紅, 入口帶肉的鮮味, 肉質嫩滑, 很久沒有吃過如斯水準的出品了. 至於麵條, 質感對辦, 小晴晴也很喜歡吃.很傳統的味道, 有水準的海南牛肉粉, 桐記牛肉粿條是值得推介的米芝蓮小店.
This beef noodle stall had received good reviews from various sites and I decided to head down and grab a bowl! I ordered the dry version consisting of mixed sliced beef and beef balls. The noodles and beef slices were okay but I was quite disappointed with the gravy as it tasted kind of bland to me. I guess it's personal taste-buds as I very much prefer the thick and sticky kind of gravy sauce. Hong Kee's version is too light for me. I heard that the beef balls are bought from a supplier, and it really tasted very average.
This was one of the few stalls opened on a Saturday morning. I ordered a bowl of dry beef noodle with only the lean meats minus those internal parts. The amount of lean meat was quite generous served with salted vegetable. The gravy was thick and sticky and goes well with the thick bee hoon. The bowl of the soup with the beef noodle got a thick beefy taste.
How many of you remember the famous beef noodle used to be at Cuppage Centre? Maybe some might still have a little impression but most probably do not quite remember the stall name. Some of you might be wondering where is this particular stall now. If you do then you would be glad to know Hong Kee Beef Noodle is that particular famous stall disappeared from Cuppage Centre and relocated to this food centre. I went on a quiet saturday morning and most of the stalls were closed. I got to chat with the boss a bit when he was cooking my order. He said, this stall has been passed down from his father and they have been in business for 48 years. You will be amazed by some rather old newpapers clippings displayed at their stall. I always go for the dry version. I love the succulent beef and the excellent thick gravy. I will be happily skip the beef balls and they are no longer making these beef balls but get them from a supplier.If you are craving for beef noodle in this food centre then do give them a shot and you might be pleasantly surprised. Recommended.