2013-11-04 251 瀏覽
The queue for this stall was a short one during lunch on Saturday. There were another few people right in front of me. The queue gotten longer after i made my order. I decided to go with the Lam's Specialty Noodle at $5. The friendly assistant suggested i should get a Herbal Chicken Drumstick to go with my noodle. As i was not too hungry on that day and so i did not take up her suggestion. I was expected to pick up a tray and moved to the left counter to collect my bowl of noodle. While waiting,
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The queue for this stall was a short one during lunch on Saturday. There were another few people right in front of me. The queue gotten longer after i made my order. I decided to go with the Lam's Specialty Noodle at $5. The friendly assistant suggested i should get a Herbal Chicken Drumstick to go with my noodle. As i was not too hungry on that day and so i did not take up her suggestion. I was expected to pick up a tray and moved to the left counter to collect my bowl of noodle. While waiting, i stepped back a little to the end of the queue to take a picture of the stall. When i done doing so, i tried to pick up my tray and moved to the left to wait to collect the noodle. That person right after me thought i attempted to jump the queue. The service staff stepped in to tell her that i ordered before her. Thumb up for such initiative.

I collected my bowl of noodle and soup then went to locate a table. It was quite a challenge to find a table as the food court was rather crowded then but I managed to sit at the side table near to the stall.
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A good portion of mee pok was served with various ingredients like half of the egg, fried fishball, sliced meat, minced pork and a piece of prawn.
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It was quite interesting to have a Japanese style Onsen Egg to be part of the ingredients of a bowl of dry mee pok. It was done right to give a rather soft texture to the egg yolk.
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Though i have requested for extra chill to be added but the level of spiciness was rather minimum. The only piece of prawn tasted rather fresh. The handful of minced pork and slices of meat have cooked well to give the right texture.
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After tossed the noodle well, it was a bowl of near perfect noodle to have with the red cut chillies that soaked in the soya sauce to enjoy.
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The texture of the mee pok was a little too soft but it still retained the desired chewiness.

The bowl of soup that came along with the noodle has a delightful taste of dried sole fish that gave it a rather slight sweetness.
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I would think this is a good choice for lunch in this food court if they continue to keep up such a good standard.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$5 (午餐)
  • Lam's Speciality Noodle.