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09:00 - 22:30
09:00 - 22:30
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食評 (148)
等級4 2014-11-17
285 瀏覽
I had the Salmon which came with carrots and 2 potato broccoli patty. I really like the sauce used for salmon (can be bought at the shop on level 1) and the patty, which was somehow just really yummy! It doesn't look like much but you could taste the soft potato cubes mixed in with broccoli. If only they sell it by its own, I would definitely buy many of it home! The smoke salmon chowder was pretty good too, you can taste the smoked salmon and it wasn't too salty either.The pasta was a little hard and the tomato sauce was a little bland, definitely don't recommend this dish. However I saw many others having this dish so many it's just my preference. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2014-06-23
172 瀏覽
Sometimes, you just want a cool relaxed place to have some comfot food in a hot afternoon. IKEA comes to mind at such times. This time round, we tried their cheesecake dessert  -not too bad (3 for $1). Also tried their chicken curry as well - spicy as usual. My son loved it. Of course, most people go for the fried chicken wings - we ordered some butwere trying not to over eat as it is fried very well. We also ordered the salmon steak - steamed and healthy. With the IKEA card, you get free coffee/ tea and discount on selected meals. So, it's really worth it. Overall, other than the over crowded place (at anytime of the day), it is still a nice place to chill, relax and do a little home deco shopping at IKEA once in a while.BTW - diners are encouraged to clear their own plates after dining - and I like that culture. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-05-22
160 瀏覽
My family loves IKEA Alexandra and it's restaurant. We just do. Many complain but we're still fans.They have a new dish on the menu and it's Pork Ribs with Fries. Well, the ribs are a generous slab of about 5 ribs. Tasty wise is ok but a tad too dry. It's without sauce so the overall pretty dry.The other dishes are well covered so I won't add on.I'll be back definitely! 繼續閱讀
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To get the Food at IKEA is always takes long time.But its worth to wait.The taste as well as price & ambiance everything makes you get your food too long.I used to have Meat balls.At Alexandra,the meat balls are not Halal.Perfect size & tasty meat balls with creamy Pepper sauce with mashed potato & the sweet jam.The taste is awesome.Balls are ery soft & the sauce matches perfectly.The second best thing is their chicken wings,its available in 2 or 7 pieces ina plate.Chicken wings are very tender & enough tasty spices are there .I am sure,you  use both your hands to eat the tasty wings,Me too.........They hae kids menu like Nuggets(chicken ,Fish) with fries & Tomato sauce spegatti with cheese. etc...They hae desserts like pie,cake slices,Fresh salads with seafood,orange juice...........Here the service is self service,you can take the food holding trolley,then take the coffee or tea cups you want & pic your dessert or salads if you want then move to the order counter to get your main dishes then move to the payment counter.The special part is drink,you can refill your drink as much as time you want.Nice right.I should say about the coffee,here coffee is 0.50 cents,But the taste is excellent.Nice aroma,very tasty,whenever i visit  IKEA ,never forget to have a cup of coffee overthere.. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-03-20
132 瀏覽
I had breakfast at Ikea Alexandra branch.  The mee siam was served in a bowl rather than shallow plate.  I prefer mee siam served in bowl as the bee hoon is fully soaped in the bowl and the bee hoon can be soften. I added lime juice onto the mee siam and the taste is perfect to be sour.  The egg given is half sized hard boiled egg.  There is strong egg yolk flesh smell.  There is little bean curb.  One problem is that the mee siam soup is not steaming hot.  I prefer soup to be steaming hot.As I prefer hot beverage, I had my cup of coffee after I had finished my bowl of mee siam.  I added 1/3 packet of sugar and one packet of creamer on the black coffee.  There isn’t strong coffee aroma but one thing that is certain is that the coffee can keep me await the whole day.  I was still await  that night.  Another thing that I notice that bowl and cup are served in glassware.  Food which are served in glassware makes a difference in the taste.  I enjoyed my breakfast meal at Ikea. 繼續閱讀
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