2011-10-05 98 瀏覽
While at Far East Square with a few friends recently, we went to Pizza Hut for dinner.Instead of ordering the usual pizza, we decided to try out other dishes. As my friends are fans of pasta, they ordered pasta for themselves whereas being a huge baked rice fan, I ordered the Orleans Delight which was supposed to be spicy.When the baked rice arrived, I became so impatient and just wanted to dig in as it looked and smelt heavenly! However I knew I had to resist and wait for it to cool down for fe
While at Far East Square with a few friends recently, we went to Pizza Hut for dinner.
Instead of ordering the usual pizza, we decided to try out other dishes. As my friends are fans of pasta, they ordered pasta for themselves whereas being a huge baked rice fan, I ordered the Orleans Delight which was supposed to be spicy.

When the baked rice arrived, I became so impatient and just wanted to dig in as it looked and smelt heavenly! However I knew I had to resist and wait for it to cool down for fear of burning my tongue! And boyyyyyyy, was the wait worth it!

According to the menu, Orleans Delight is a flavourful mix of New Orleans spiced chicken, pineapple chunks, capsicums, onions, mushrooms, mozarella cheese and buttered rice flavoured with Italian herbs in tangy neapolitan sauce.

The baked rice was served with generous amounts of chicken for sure and it indeed was very flavourful and spicy too!

However, there was a bit of rice at the sides that were still quite uncooked. Also being a huge cheese fan, it would definitely be tastier if the baked rice was served with more cheese

Overall, the baked rice was certainly good except for the bits of uncooked rice here and there.

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