2013-06-05 23 瀏覽
A colleague of mine kept singing praises about the cupcakes served from this shop and I was initially skeptical. After all, so many cupcake shops have sprung out in Singapore, so what makes cupcakes from Lamb Cupcakery any more special than the others?I got to try first hand when my colleague bought a box of cupcakes for us to sample. I was really blown away by the quality of the flavours and Lamb cupcakery is part of my to-buy list. The cupcakes were quite big- not like the small, reductive ver
A colleague of mine kept singing praises about the cupcakes served from this shop and I was initially skeptical. After all, so many cupcake shops have sprung out in Singapore, so what makes cupcakes from Lamb Cupcakery any more special than the others?

I got to try first hand when my colleague bought a box of cupcakes for us to sample. I was really blown away by the quality of the flavours and Lamb cupcakery is part of my to-buy list. The cupcakes were quite big- not like the small, reductive versions served elsewhere. The presentation of cupcakes were also decent- the garnishing and frosting really made the cupcakes looked pretty. My recommended must get flavours (if they are not sold out of it!):

Mango puree- The frosting cream really tasted like fresh mango, not the super uber sweet artificial kind and went really well with the soft cake base below it. I was amazed by how tasty the mango flavour was and this will definitely please mango lovers.
Milo- This is a uniquely Singapore, definite must get flavour from this shop. Those who want to satisfy their chocolate craving but want to avoid the overly heavy decadent chocolate flavours should go for the milo flavour. It is so special- I haven't seen any other shops with milo cupcakes. The flavour encapsulates the chocolately, malty flavour of milo in every bite of the cupcake and this flavour is definitely a crowd pleaser.
Red velvet- I really like the rich red velvet cupcake topped with a layer of cream cheese topping which is also another crowd pleaser. I like how the slightly sour cream cheese topping is paired with the slightly dense red cake.

Each cupcake cost slightly more at $3.50 each, but I guess you pay a premium for bigger size and quality taste. Location wise, Lamb Cupcakery seems really off, but if I happen to be around the area, I would definitely check out the place!
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