2013-07-30 22 瀏覽
With my workplace just a five minutes walk away from Far East Plaza, the trove of cheap eats in Orchard, I just had to hunt every nook and cranny in that building for the best gastronomical finds. Isle Cafe sits at the first floor of Far East Plaza near the fountain. I was having a massive laksa craving that week (which doesn't seem to end even after I ate bowls of laksa) and so I ordered one standard $3.50 laksa. Whoa, don't be deceived by its innocent appearance... its coconut milk broth is e
With my workplace just a five minutes walk away from Far East Plaza, the trove of cheap eats in Orchard, I just had to hunt every nook and cranny in that building for the best gastronomical finds. Isle Cafe sits at the first floor of Far East Plaza near the fountain.

I was having a massive laksa craving that week (which doesn't seem to end even after I ate bowls of laksa) and so I ordered one standard $3.50 laksa.
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Whoa, don't be deceived by its innocent appearance... its coconut milk broth is extremely spicy I nearly died from it - and I haven't even mixed in the molehill of chilli at the side! Needless to say it was hard for me to enjoy it because I like non-spicy laksa :'( There was a lot of ingredients in there, most of it are processed food like luncheon meat, fishcake and taupoks.
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I still love this laksa for its coconut milk taste and the white springy beehoon and the fully cooked egg that soaked up the gravy well ... but it is simply too spicy for me. How am I supposed to survive Katong 328 laksa?! This will definitely please people who adores spicy food.
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