2013-11-09 132 瀏覽
I have read about this place on newspapers but didn't really get a chance to try until I happened to pass by. I am a huge tea fan and this shop distinguishes itself from other tea shops by using expensive premium ingredients (hence the steep prices)I was initially unsure what to try but the friendly staff introduced me to their variety of drinks and eventually helped me decide to get one of their specialty- Hokkaido lavender tea ($4.20). I also decided to add lavender collagen topping ($2), maki
I have read about this place on newspapers but didn't really get a chance to try until I happened to pass by. I am a huge tea fan and this shop distinguishes itself from other tea shops by using expensive premium ingredients (hence the steep prices)

I was initially unsure what to try but the friendly staff introduced me to their variety of drinks and eventually helped me decide to get one of their specialty- Hokkaido lavender tea ($4.20). I also decided to add lavender collagen topping ($2), making the grand total damage to be $6.20- really expensive for a tea drink.

I really like how fragrant and strong the lavender taste is inside the tea- it instantly soothes my nerves and makes me feel more relaxed. A very refreshing drink indeed. The lavender collagen was also full of lavender taste- it had a soft gel like consistency that can be easily slurped down the straw. I was told of the various health and beauty benefits of the collagen topping but I was a little skeptical- but it nonetheless made a good combination.

While I thoroughly enjoyed my drink, sitting in their nice white zen seating place overlooking the main road, I would still think twice about drinking- the price is a bit of a turn off. If I do feel like indulging myself with some fragrant lavender tea, I will definitely pay this shop another vision!

[review from mobile!]
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