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Review (2)
Level3 2013-10-02
this is recommended by my friend,i had their yam mooncake with pumpkins in the middlepacking is very traditional,it cost $18+ for 2 ,the skin was very crispy,yam just nice,not too sweet and won't feel sick of it after having alotpumpkins,but next day,the skin was not crispy but yam was still nice and won't have oil coming out service is ok,price consider average,will purchase again continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-10-01
This year 2013, the Mid-Autumn Festival falls on September 19. This day is also known as the Moon Festival and in olden days at this time of the year the moon is said to be at its roundest and brightest.Moon cakes are sold in various flavours as a celebration.Well its never too late to discover that Eater Place (Eater Palace Food Management) is one of the pioneer brand offering Flaky Teochew Yam Mooncake aka Or Nee Mooncake.I have always enjoyed yam paste and pumpkin and Or Nee (Yam Paste) probably stems from my Teochew background.There was a promotion for UOB Card Members of 20 percent discount for any purchase of the Mooncakes from Eater Place.Without hesitation, I chose the 2 pieces actual price at S$20.50.For tea break, I took half portion of the flaky classic teochew yam paste with pumpkin mooncake and its was just delicious. Paste smooth, the skin fragrant and when I sliced the pieces its still crispy fresh.The ingredients added are specified as flour 32.4%, yam 28.35%, pumpkin 20.25%, vegetable oil 13% and sugar 6%.Will remember to purchase more of these flaky bites next Mid Autumn Festival. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)