i fell in love with the interior design of this outlet. The whole restaurant is made up of basic colors like black, white and grey. This particular outlet looks rather classy and you might not even know you are having burger in Burger King if there is no display of their logo in this premise.Having your burger in such a place came with a price. I believe the pricing for all their burgers, sides and drinks are slightly expensive as compared to their other outlets. And, wanna make a guess on how m
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i fell in love with the interior design of this outlet. The whole restaurant is made up of basic colors like black, white and grey. This particular outlet looks rather classy and you might not even know you are having burger in Burger King if there is no display of their logo in this premise.

Having your burger in such a place came with a price. I believe the pricing for all their burgers, sides and drinks are slightly expensive as compared to their other outlets. And, wanna make a guess on how much did i pay for the double cheese burger? i know it is selling at $2.00 at their main competitor's outlets but right here i paid $5.60 for a double cheeseburger itself. It was shockingly expensive for something tasted below average.

The foods always tend to taste better when eating in a nice surrounding. Apparently it was not so in this instance, the patties of both burgers tasted dry. We came at their off-peak hour so their fries served were soggy as well but off-peak hour is not a good enough basis to constitute a good reason to compromise on the quality of their foods. Sadly, the nicest amongst everything was that big cup of coke with ices.

I used to enjoy eating the burgers from Burger King but there is a significant drop in their standard across their outlets. I thought of giving it another shot after staying away for months but it turned out to be quite a disappointment.
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)