Windowsill Pies specialises in dessert pies. They also provide seating space, together with drinks, making it a perfect place to chill and relax. continue reading
Opening Hours
Tue - Thu
11:00 - 21:30
11:00 - 22:30
10:00 - 22:30
10:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
No GST / Service Charge
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Grasshopper Pies Morello Cherry Pie Pecan Pie Strawberry Lemon Tarts
Review (27)
Level2 2015-04-17
Hola ! Been long since I touch my openrice website, so here is an cafe post ! It's the windowsill pie ! It's walkable distance from farrer park mrt stn, but please do not trust your GSP. I almost died from walking under the heat ! It's near the tiramisu hero, if u even know where is it. But I alive back when stepping into the cozy zone with great service :}And calling windowsill pies, of course there's window and pies ! Also, there is tea leaf for us to smell the tea ! Loveeeee them soo much ! Oh, they will serve free waterrr~ Not budget, but so great after that "mini workout" to there ! hahahasOur pretty muscato blanc tea with the two pies; lemon raspberry and chocolate mint if i'm not wrong.Really in love with the chocolate mint and the lemon raspberry is really quite sour~~~ But the ambiance is really great and the stuffs are so friendly, offer to help us snap pictures ! hahaahs ! Our hightea cost about $24, if I'm not wrong~ I'm consisted quite affordable, also they offer brunch ! But we are too full to have it, perhaps next time.Rate: 3.5/5, because I really love the cozy environment continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-01-22
Windowsill Pies is a café that specializes in pies, not the savory but the sweet one. There are about 10 kinds of pies and I opted for 6 of them. Pies 1. Strawberry Lemon Slice (S$7) Bombed with sourness. It’s pretty much suitable for those of you who prefer to eat sour things instead of sweets. 2. Banana Slice (S$7) A little sweet compared to the previous one but not overly. The cream on the top was so smooth and light. Tasty! 3. Grasshopper Slice (S$7.50) The pie was filled with kicking flavor of mint. Only recommended for those of you who prefer a strong mint flavor. As for myself, I didn’t really enjoy it. For me, it tasted like toothpaste. 4. Funny Apple (S$7.50) A fruity treat, filled with a little sweetness. Fresh and Healthy! 5. Pineapple Passionfruit (S$8) Very rich in flavor, soft, and glazy! Indeed, it was refreshingly sour. 6. Camp Symmetry (S$8) I love the truffle, love the textural crunch, love the sweetness, love everything about it. Windowsill pies have successfully intertwined a wonderful flavor and texture. Although, some of them are more suitable for those of you who prefer a comparatively strong flavor.www.nonatukangmakan.com continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
The dinner venue this evening had been Windowsill Pies, known for its pies and tarts as the name itself states.  The interior is pretty, boosting a "in the woods" theme with its polished wood furniture + floor paneling as well as artificial trees standing tall within. It is an eye-catching cafe for sure, and sitting by the windows I noticed many passer-bys stopping by to check the cafe out and taking some photographs.The Morello Cherry Pie came with the pretty criss-cross lattice design, instantly standing out from the other pies. The Morello cherries were sour but balanced beautifully by the sweet filling. The crust was a lovely golden brown, and was thin, light and crunchy. Every bite was a delight.The Coconut Lime Vodka Pie came with thin and crunchy pie crust as well, as well as satin-smooth lemon curd. There was a slightly tarty flavor to the lemon curd, but not overwhelming. Within it are transparent vodka cubes - adding a bitterish but lovely touch to the pie. The pie was very delicious overall, but we were a little disappointed that the "coconut" was not a flavor within the pie itself, but presented itself merely as the dollop of coconut cream atop the tart. The vodka - if infused with the lemon curd, might have given it a more even flavor true to its name.I had a Chai Latte (SGD$5.00). While my hot latte contained wisps of chai's aroma, the coffee itself was rather diluted.For full review and more photographs, please feel free to visit:http://thearcticstar.blogspot.sg/2015/01/dessert-at-windowsill-cafe-lavender.html  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-12-07
Behind Jalan Besar Stadium, there is a small shop which stands out from the rest of the old looking shophouses. It looks like a bright looking house with its fresh look. The first thing that meets me is the showcase of assorted pies which lie on a bed of grass. It looks to colorful to be eaten. Behind the showcase is a staff who cheerfully asks what I want and begin to explain the choice of pies available. Besides pies, there is also a list of drinks, sandwiches and soups available. After 6pm, there is more dishes available too.The place is small in size. But the decorations make up for it. There is a cute looking and huge teddy bear in the middle of the cafe next to a tree.Cute paper planes filled the ceiling.Banana Cognac ($7.00)It looks like a simple whipped cream pie. Below the whipped cream, is banana mousse which is light with a hint of banana. Inside the mousse, there is salty caramel and crunchy nuts. It is such an explosion of different flavours and textures in the mouth with salty, crunchy, sweet, smooth and alcoholic.Hot Chocolate ($5.50)Served in a glass. It tastes thick and smooth. And also not too sweet too.The food is great. The place looks great too, as well as, cheerful and friendly staffs around. Overall the place is a great choice to relax and enjoy the afternoon. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Located in Jalan Besar, Windowsill In The Woods is a cosy space that is cheerful and kid friendly. It was like we’re all characters of a kids’ storybook, there was even a mini podium with a large bear sitting on it.We ordered Iced Latte ($6.00), Iced Chocolate ($6.00), Hot Chocolate ($5.50),Smores Slice ($8.00),Strawberry Lemon Slice ($7.00) and Camp Symmetry Slice ($8.00).Camp Symmetry Slice ($8.00) - Must try!This pie was unlike any other that we’ve tasted, it was made up of white chocolate pudding, some raisins in the middle with white truffle cookie streusel. While the components might not sound like they will blend well… It did! It was like fireworks in our mouths – this is a must try if you absolutely LOVE truffles.Grasshopper Mint Pie is also a must try! We first had a taste of their Grasshopper Mint Pie back at Penny UniversityWhile the pies had flakey pastry, it would be nice if it had been crisper. On the whole, we fell in love with every pie we tried - they were simply delightful! Some might find the price to be slightly steep, but at least quality is definitely assured!Please refer to www.ieatandeat.com for details review. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)