Located on Level 1 of Marina Mandarin, Café Mocha features a range of barista coffee, sandwiches, desserts and their signature chicken pie. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
07:30 - 19:30
Sat - Sun
10:30 - 19:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Chicken Pie
Review (1)
Level4 2014-12-29
My family had redeemed a Chocolate Log Cake using credit card points at Marina Mandarin Hotel. Since Christmas Day was already over for a few days, the Christmas decoration on the log cake was not given. Nevertheless we accepted the cake since it still looked presentable.The Chocolate Log Cake had a soft and fluffy cake texture that blended with the chocolate cream. Both bended so well that I could not differentiate between which was the cake layer or the cream layer. It was not a swiss roll as other bakery's log cake. The cake was rich in dark milk chocolate taste which was slightly bitter sweet. Overall, I liked the rich chocolate taste and texture of the Chocolate Log Cake, if only they could add some fruits or nuts to the chocolate cake would be better than a single flavour one. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)