Opening Hours
Mon - Tue
07:30 - 10:30
Wed - Thu
07:30 - 10:30
18:30 - 22:30
07:30 - 10:30
18:30 - 23:00
07:30 - 10:30
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 23:00
07:30 - 10:30
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks Available
Bring Your Own Wine (BYOW)
Corkage Fee Details
Takes Reservations Details
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Churrasco-style Meat
Review (6)
節慶酒店(Festive Hotel)的Fiesta西餐廳,是由早到晚提供自助餐或散點西餐的地方,偶然從旅遊書發現,原來她有個很划算的前菜、甜品自助晚餐。如果你怕吃不飽,可以加配一客主菜變為半自助晚餐。環境闊落光猛,裝修摩登型格,一室以橙色為主調,十分醒神。雖然我們只是吃前菜、甜品自助餐,沒有加主菜,已經讓我們吃得飽飽,而招呼一樣殷勤有禮。野菌湯,餐前先由侍應奉上每人一客野菌湯和一個小餐包,餐湯頗大碗,但最重是有水準,菌香味濃,幼滑柔順。小餐包則中規中矩,只提供橄欖油蘸點。前菜方面,大致上有8款,小弟覺得都是精選,包括:露筍沙律、烤蔬菜拼盤、雞肉腸、新薯沙律、蕃茄配水牛芝士、西班牙火腿搭哈蜜瓜……等等,款款味美有質素。當中又以烤蔬菜、水牛芝士、西班牙火腿作為吃完再想吃的目標!沙律呢?主要有3款沙律菜,如羅馬生菜、火箭菜;主配料多達14款,如車厘茄、橄欖、雞心豆、醃青瓜、粟米粒、鵪鶉蛋……,要數較特別是意大利風乾蕃茄、羊奶芝士粒;而還有6款副配料:乾麵包粒、合桃粒、杏仁片、雜乾果、煙肉碎、芝士粉,再配上5款醬汁,如意大利油醋汁、蜜糖芥末……,左拼右搭,吃沙律也可以吃到飽。我前後吃了兩大碟沙律,先試齊所以材料!未落甜品之前,先吃一點生果,有火龍果、西瓜、士多啤梨、木瓜、蜜瓜、哈蜜瓜、菠蘿多款選擇,自選一個綜合生果拼盤,讓我何等滿足。最後,要為此晚餐畫上完美句號,甜品當然少不得。除朱古力噴泉外,有10款甜品,總體,離不開慕絲、奶凍、布甸、蛋糕……等等,雖則不叫得很突出,令人一試難忘,但尚算平穩,不會太差!呷著杯熱咖啡,慢慢享受,絕對輕鬆吃掉整碟甜品無難度。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-01-27
We tried the semi-buffet on weekdays (from Mon-Thurs, Fri-Sun is the full buffet). The semi-buffet offers an appetiser and dessert buffet, which is included in the price of a main course.The portions of the main courses were generous. We had two dishes - the steak, and the grilled prawns. Steak was done just right in medium rare, and the prawns were nicely grilled (not overly charred).The semi-buffet did not boast much variety, but we were stuffed by the time we finished our mains, plus the appetiser and dessert buffet was complimentary to the order of a main that I really did not expect for much. Service was good as I felt they were over-staffed.Might give their weekend full buffet a try one day. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
for photos and more reviews, visit http://thelittlemomentsofmylife.blogspot.com/ (: the buffet was goooood. i think it's really worth it. cos it's a semi-buffet, where you order a main course, and it comes with the appetizer & dessert buffet. or, you can just order the buffet without the main course for $19++ which is d*** worth it. i was half-full after the appetizers already haha.i really enjoyed the salad bar!!!! omg this must be the most gorgeous array of salad that i have ever seen. of course i wasn't attracted to the veggies lol. it was the condiments that came with it which i had a whole lot of fun exploring!!i'm so proud of my plate of salad okay. i loved it a pile of veggies with toppings like croutons, pine nuts, walnuts, chickpeas, almond flakes (basically all the nuts haha) and cheese, and drizzled (or rather drenched, if you know me ) with italian, french and balsamic dressing. haha. i am so greedy. i can never just have one type of sauce on my food, i want everything!! like when i order subway, it is always dripping because i ask for way too many sauces. hahahaha.other offerings on the appetizer buffet were the sashimi, grilled asparagus and this interesting honeydew wrapped in parma ham. unfortunately i dont really like honeydew, so i just plucked off the parma ham and gave the fruit to my sister haha. there were also different kinds of pre-made salads. i particularly liked the apple salad, which was very refreshing with is slightly tangy flavour.there was also corn soup (yikes i don't like) and this lovely warm crusty bread which was DELICIOUS.for my main course, i ordered the pan roasted salmon steak ($38). im glad i ordered it cos it felt kinda healthy in comparison to all the other meats on offer! it was rubbed with spices and came with a Guasca sauce (no idea what that is!) which i loved (:my sis who always seems to order all-in-one dishes haha, ordered the brazilian mix ($36) which included the Linguica sausage, Rib eye steak and Spring chicken with lime and garlic. looking at the size of the chicken, this was definitely a meal worthy of mention.dad's marinated rib eye ($32) was a traditional steak dish that was beautifully done. tender and with a robust flavour.the pineapple pork ribs ($32) sounded like a really interesting dish! i might say that it sounds more interesting that it actually is, although it might be because my expectations for this dish were kind of high. the meat was tender enough, but the pineapple taste was too insignificant i guess?finally the desserts!!! i was so full by then i couldnt enjoy them properly, but i still thought they were really well done. i loved the variety of cakes and trio of shooters. every single one of them impressed me, even though i was full to bursting. the fondue was great too - i especially liked oreos dipped in chocolate!!! oh the revelation! it was so delicious xDoverall, a very good meal. great buffet, and good mains, at a reasonable price (: continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-07-20
Though I visit this resturant at lunch time on a sunday, it is kinda quiet. In fact, we are the only diners in the restaurant. Honestly, I expect this place to be so quiet as the food is nice and the service is good. Ordered my favourite Nasi Padang and am glad that the food standard is still as good as before. Love the satay and the chicken wings. However, I find that the keropok is kinda oily. Need to blot the oil before I eat it! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-02-12
Ordered nasi padang set and salmon steak to share among 3 of us. The nasi padang set was scrumptious, it comes with seafood fried rice, fried egg, fried chicken wing, satay and ah-char. The belachan chili is spicy and sweet and goes well with the fried chicken wing. I also love the satay, well-cooked and very tasty. The salmon steak comes with one rather big piece of grilled salmon, potato wedges and salad. I find the salmon steak average, and rather pricey. Service was good and the waitress kept coming over to refill our water.Overall the dining experience was good. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)