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Review (8)
Level4 2013-07-30
I ordered this Chicken Penyet (not the fried version), as I was enticed my the queue again! I also saw many people eating this dish after walking 1 round around the food court. This cost $5.90. The chili is extremely potent, similarly to the time that I ate it. The tofu wasn't as bad this time round. A little softer on the fried part. And for the main star! The chicken! The sauce was quite sweet, even sweeter than the last time, you definitely need to pair it with rice so that the effect is not as strong. The chicken is quite soft but I think they might have grilled it a little too long as it was juicy. OVerall, this is definitely better than the fish penyet as firstly, you don't have to deal with messy bones and this is much easier to eat. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-07-25
Back to try the Indonesia Penyet stall. This time, I ordered the Fish Penyet ($6.90) this time. For $6.90, you can one whole pomfret, rice and tofu. You also get a generous serving of chili, which was a waste for me as the chili is too spicy for my liking. My mouth burns up after just one small bite of the chili. The fish was soft but the meat was slightly stuck to the bones. A little scaly too especially nearer to the end. The dish's saving grace was its sweet brown sauce that complements the rice perfectly. I will try adding lime to the fish or meat next time. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)