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Signature Dishes
Sausage Bun
Review (3)
Level4 2012-04-08
At this Roti Tiam, you be fond by the wide ranges of breads, cakes and pastries display on their shelvings. This shop looks old and has that very traditional old time confectionary shop feel that will attract the older generations and also the curious young groups to visit this shop. Tried their ham & eggs which we have bought a dozen for a tea session and was really impressed by the generous amount of mashed eggs and big slice of ham. The taste is equally good just like it's appearance. Will visit again for more yummy breads. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-01-03
My dad loves to eat at the nearby food court here so we often drop by to get some bread for breakfast the next day. The bread here has many varieties, though as we alwys go quite late, not alot were left. My dad chose a loaf of raisin bread, while I chose the cheese bread (which was baked with Parmesan cheese on top and chicken floss sprinkled over). The raisin bread was not bad, it was airy, so was really soft. Dipped it with chocolate milk and ate 3 slices at a go. There wasnt alot of raisins though, so raisin lovers may not like it (1 slice has only about 4 small pieces of raisins). I dun like raisins though I eat them, so it suit me just fine. ^^The cheese bread, needless to say, was simply delicious (becos i loveee cheese!). There were 4 pieces of bread in a packet and all were finished before I managed to get a photo of it. The cheese just goes very well with the bread and the floss makes everything perfect. A perfect combination which is simply indescribable! Overall, I like the bread bought from here as it is pretty nice to eat. Even my dad thinks so (He has quite a picky mouth, hehe). continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-06-19
My mother got various breads from this bakery for our breakfast. Of which, she got the cheese and ham bread, sausage bread and coffee bun. I chose the cheese and ham bread for my breakfast as it appealed to me most since I had cravings for something savory. You can taste the cheese with every bite with the cheese portions being quite crispy. The ham is also relatively evenly spread out, such that there isn't a single bite where you can't taste any ham or cheese. It certainly satisfied my craving. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)