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Signature Dishes
Duck Porridge
Review (1)
Level4 2013-06-18
I was just scooting around the market and cooked food centre at Blk 85 Bedok North Street 4 in search of a stall that I fancy to settle for lunch, and Soon Mong Duck Rice and Porridge grabbed my attention. The queue was not exceptionally long, nor there were many accolades on display and neither was the stall’s signboard attractive. Probably I was just in the mood for duck rice, I would say.The roast pork looks nicely charred and it does give the roast pork taste, but the taste was not very distinctive and faded off pretty quickly. The skin was also not crispy and it just felt very average overall. Remember though; pork is not in the stall’s name, so the stall’s speciality should be something other than that. It is a a braised duck stall overall, as it’s name states and the duck’s flavour and texture shows just that. I had breast meat for mine and though it was firm it was also really tender. It was also braised relatively well as the braised flavour was consistent throughout. The braised gravy just gave the meat and the plain rice a nice sweet taste that complimented it so well.For more photos and the full review, please visit: http://jiaksimipng.wordpress.com/2013/06/11/soon-mong-duck-rice-porridge-fengshan-market-and-food-centre/ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)