The Soup Spoon believes in creating a soup culture where soup takes its rightful place as the focus of a meal. The Soup Spoon aims to provide innovative, fresh and nutritious soups that stand alone, filling enough to satisfy the hungriest patron.
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Opening Hours
10:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
10:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
10:30 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
用餐日期: 2024/05/28用餐時段:午餐用餐費用(每人):$13.75餐廳環境:室內不多座位 檯與檯之間較近 人多時可能要搭檯服務:服務員服務應度正常 味道:點了Half Half Set+Kale Salad with smoked salmon(full)1-Half Half Set$9.9: 2款自選湯+1麥包 選了蘑菇湯+南瓜湯 2款湯都份量足 湯夠濃不咸不油味道很好 麥包也夠熱外脆內軟 整體味道好 推薦2-Kale Salad with smoked salmon(full)$17.6: 份量足 沙律底是幼身不鞋口的Kale 面上有紅蘿蔔絲 番茄仔 粟米粒 莓乾 杏仁片 青瓜片 去皮的橙片 中間有不少煙三文魚 這家的三文魚片難得不咸味道好 其他沙律菜配料都食材新鮮味道好 推薦給喜愛煙三文魚沙律的客人 總結:這家店面不起眼 但湯和沙律都份量足味道好 是值得推薦的湯+沙律店鋪 餐廳環境:
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