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Signature Dishes
Fried Rice Vegetarian Fish Head Steamboat
Review (1)
Level4 2014-04-06
It was not a tough thing to find Vegetarian Food at Hougang area, at least I knew Tian De stall which located at Fa Fa Foodcourt. Healthier choice to eat Vegan food instead of meaty meal, I don’t mind to take it occasionally. The stall occupied not too huge space, looked neat and hygiene. Extensive Menu, service was rather friendly attentive. Back to our seats after telling the staff our table number, food arrived impressively within 10 minutes.The unique taste of the black olive veggie gave a twist to the dull fried rice, simple aromatic while marvelous tasty. Ingredients were nothing luxury, Eggs, Corns, Carrot cubes, Shredded Cabbage, Green Beans and importantly Olive Vegetables. Fluffy rice was totally cooled before frying process, it was the secret to present a good fried rice. Stir-fried along to achieve a maximum delicious level, rice was spongy without excessive oily. Every spoon was fully satisfied, especially with little fiery chilli. Portion was definitely essential and filling, price reasonably at $4.00. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)