<Br> With consistently good business, Yi Kou Fu offers a range of awesome tasting pancakes at reasonable prices. continue reading
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Signature Dishes
Cheese Pancake Peanut Butter Pancake
Review (1)
Level4 2014-03-11
Chinese-style Pancake was usually a non-event foodie for me, I was pleasantly surprised by Yi Kou Fu Pancake. Best to have it during tea time, I personally enjoyed pancake especially while it was served pipping hot. Located near my office, the market was lively during afternoon.Stall appeared clean and ingredients were neatly arranged, boss handled the stall by his own. Every piece of thinly pancake freshly out from stove, smell was irresistible. Strictly no cutting service, pricings were well-indicated on the board.As I munched into the evenly brownish skin, slightly crisp crust was immediately turned to soft chewy dough. Really good texture, overall was light and gentle. Remained natural taste over sweetness, generous peanuts crunch along minced sugar was given. Absolutely delish, the layer was filling and satisfying. Only $0.90 for each, it was affordable and cheap. Try their best-selling Peanut flavour if you happened to pass by, never regret. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)