2013-08-21 84 views
On the third day of Chinese New Year after an afternoon of driving around visiting relatives, we were feeling slightly carsick and ill from the heat. As Longhouse Food Centre was on our way home, we stopped by to pick up some dinner. Having had rich dishes on the previous days like pen cai, and lots of Chinese New Year cookies, we just wanted something hot, and plain and simple.After taking a look at the various stalls' offerings, we settled on food from Bugis Street Chuen Chuen Chicken Rice, na
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On the third day of Chinese New Year after an afternoon of driving around visiting relatives, we were feeling slightly carsick and ill from the heat. As Longhouse Food Centre was on our way home, we stopped by to pick up some dinner. Having had rich dishes on the previous days like pen cai, and lots of Chinese New Year cookies, we just wanted something hot, and plain and simple.

After taking a look at the various stalls' offerings, we settled on food from Bugis Street Chuen Chuen Chicken Rice, namely their chicken congee and chicken feet.

Mom had most of this congee. I only had a few spoonfuls. But I could have gobbled (or drank) the whole thing. The hot, silky soft porridge was immensely soothing. Mixed with the special chicken-flavoured soy sauce, it was soothingly delicious, warming and satisfying, the kind of comfort food you would want on a cold day or when you feel ill. Probably the only congee that could beat it is that from Crystal Jade and Imperial Treasure.

Chicken feet, whether cooked Thai style or Chinese style, has always been a favourite of my sister and I because of its crunchiness. As chicken feet itself is tasteless, much depends on the sauce / gravy accompanying the feet. In comparison to their chicken porridge, I found Chuen Chuen Chicken Rice's chicken feet average, and a little on the sweet side.

If anything, I would return to the stall for more chicken porridge.

For full review and more photos, please visit http://wildchildurbancity.blogspot.sg/2013/08/bugis-st-chuen-chuen-chicken-rice.html
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)