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I had a Grilled Pork Sausage at Brotzeit over the weekend during lunch and it was great. The dish consisted of 5 pork sausages, mashed potato and Sauerkraut. Sauerkraut is German for sour cabbage. Its basically thinly shredded boiled cabbage soaked in some kind of sour sauce. I loved the sausages though 5 is a bit too many sausages for me. But i was informed by my friend that the sauerkraut is meant to be taken with the sausages so that you wouldn't find 5 sausages far too much meat than you can
I had a Grilled Pork Sausage at Brotzeit over the weekend during lunch and it was great. The dish consisted of 5 pork sausages, mashed potato and Sauerkraut. Sauerkraut is German for sour cabbage. Its basically thinly shredded boiled cabbage soaked in some kind of sour sauce. I loved the sausages though 5 is a bit too many sausages for me. But i was informed by my friend that the sauerkraut is meant to be taken with the sausages so that you wouldn't find 5 sausages far too much meat than you can handle. The mash potato was also very nice - i loved the sauce. And it also went well with the sauerkraut. In the end while i did manage to finish all the sausages and the mash potato, i think sauerkraut is one vegetable i can do without.