I must say they have very efficient service! Within few hours from ordering through their website, I received msg requesting I confirm my order. It left me with a peace of mind, knowing my order is being taken note of. They were able to accomodate when I went down to collect my order slight earlier than my stipulated timing of 2pm. The staff even took the time to went through items with me to ensure all items are correct. Overall food wise, is delicious, favourite being otah in aluminium contain
They were able to accomodate when I went down to collect my order slight earlier than my stipulated timing of 2pm. The staff even took the time to went through items with me to ensure all items are correct. Overall food wise, is delicious, favourite being otah in aluminium container. i bought both the otah wrapped in leave and find that the aluminium container otah taste better, with better texture. Oh, and BBQ Wholesale also sell balloons, I even bought a balloons from them for kids to play. Balloons are given in plastic bags, so when my hubby drive, it does not blocked the rear mirror.
Overal Thumbs up! Efficient service.
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