I am not sure if anyone has been to The Boxing Crab in Sentosa, because if you haven’t they have some really out of the world dishes which I am craving for! I am not even obliged to do a write up for them, but honestly, how can I not recommend this place to you!We kicked things off with the Otah Otah Cigar, which is Otah wrapped in popiah skin. What made this dish so special was that the explosion of lemongrass flavour in the otah. Major love at the moment for me!Tangy, smokey and well marinated
THIS IS SO BLARDY FANTASTIC, I can just drink up all the sauce! The sauce is so so so so so so good! I have honestly never ever eaten just a awesome lobster dish before. My mouth is watering like mad as I am blogging this post at 5am in the morning!
THIS IS MY ULTIMATE FAVOURITE DISH OF THE NIGHT. I was raving much about how much I love this dish! There is this coyingly sweet smoky taste to this dish which keeps you reaching out for more. It lingering in your mouth in a good way and the crab just taste extra sweet!
This is the signature dish at boxing crab and all it takes is just one spoonful of that thick savoury peppery pumpkin sauce to understand why. The broth is so rich and silky smooth, its like drinking liquid gold. This sauce complements the taste of the crab meat really well because of the peppery nature of the sauce!
Read about the other crazy amazing dishes i tried @ http://roundtumtums.wordpress.com/2013/01/02/the-boxing-crab/
Location is a little unreachable, do note that the shuttle bus ends at 10, so if you are eating till late, you would need to hail a taxi or drive your way out. I would suggest having a early dinner in that case!